A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Do you think MT experience will help in getting an MR job? - tired of sitting at home

Posted: Feb 11, 2010

There is a hospital in my area that has 2 jobs I am interested in, one is a records analyst and the other is a records clerk.  I am definitely ready to start working outside of the home, but I fear my MT experience will not help me much in getting one of these jobs.  I am just wondering what you all think or if I should bother to apply.  I am thinking they are going to want people with hospital experience.  Thanks a bunch for any information!!

don't let fear stop you - sm

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it was my observation while working in hospitals that records people had high respect for the MT. You bring useful skills to the table such as accuracy, spelling, organizational skills etc. If I were the dept head, I would consider it a plus.

MR Job - itype2

[ In Reply To ..]
I would say go for it. I think your MT experience should help, especially with the analyst job. You'll never know unless you try, just going on an interview is good experience.

I think it would be greatly helpful! See message. - Linda Andrews

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I think your medical transcription experience may help you more than you realize. The bottom line, of course, has to do with the personalities and preferences of the people doing the hiring. That's going to differ from place to place, as with anything else.

I think you would also have an excellent opportunity to work in a Medical Administrative Assistant or Medical Office Manager position in all sorts of interesting departments or sections, maybe on a research project as I have done a couple of times, or maybe a Research Assistant where medical terminology and A&P would be required. If you live near a teaching hospital, there might be some good opportunities there. Your knowledge of medical terms, A&P, disease processes, and how to find specific information in a medical report, might help meet prerequisites for some hospital or clinic positions. Insurance companies are also a possibility. They often require extensive knowledge of medical terminology, which would naturally mean an understanding of A&P as well. Attorneys, particularly in the area of malpractice, also might be a possibility. The possibilities are endless. If there are jobs available, you should be moved up way higher on the list of applicants because of your knowledge and experience, all other things being equal, personality, attitude, good common business sense, etc. Sometimes hospitals jobs take months of waiting. In other words, "Congratulations, you're hired! Your new job will start 1-1/2 months from now. Be there at 8:00 a.m." :)

Go show them what you can do! Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Thanks to all of you!! sm - tired of sitting at home

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I guess I was just feeling like I have nothing to show them without an Associates Degree, and I guess the TLs that keep changing regularly on the national I am working for now make it seem like it is always the transcriptionist's fault, so maybe that has played a part in my confidence level. Before I worked for the national I was the lead transcriptionist for a mental health institute and edited a lot of work for others as well. The hospital I am looking into working for has a Behavioral Health Unit, but I guess that still leads me to the Medical Records Department, not sure. Again, thank you all for the needed support!!

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