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Down with the ship - Horrible job

Posted: Mar 11th, 2024 - 11:54 am In Reply to: Down with the ship - Delusional

The stories that are posted here are heart breaking to say the least and what is really sad is how we stayed with it until we were almost wiped out completely.

I truly hope the ones that are out there struggling can pull through this somehow. It took me a long time, before I got out due to financial problems, filing bankruptcy and feeling like a failure because no matter who I worked for it wasn't good enough. Actually it was a blessing because it forced me to get a job that paid decently, no more IC rip off work, bonuses, raises, extra pay for holidays and I came to realize how abused we were and mores the pity, we took it.

Good luck to everyone out there who has been a victim to this line of work.


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