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Agree too - No info ever given out

Posted: Feb 23rd, 2024 - 11:51 am In Reply to: Agreed - OP

You will probably be slammed for your remark about no info, how many times have we seen it. I did all the researching, etc., to find a good job etc., so can you.

The thing is I could list all the companies have I have worked for, M-Modal, TTCI, Precision, Medscribe, Skyscription and so on and I wouldn't recommend one of them to work for. Each one was worse than the next. I started out with Edix when we were outsourced from the hospital and how many years ago was that, and fast forward to today, and it has become absolute hell. I really wouldn't care what anyone recommended now, I'm long gone, and nothing could tempt me back.


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