Hey, I'm right with you. - sm Posted: Mar 13th, 2024 - 6:53 pm In Reply to: That poster just proved your point. She will beat this - thread to a pulp just so she can
all the gobbledygook is taking up your head space. Better shake it off before it's got you in its grip for too long, as who knows what the consequences could be. Just laugh it off honey buns. You got this.
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- Sad...This site is pretty much dead. - ItsOver (Views: 1869, 2024-02-21, 3:58 am)
- Sad - What is really sad (Views: 1274, 2024-02-21, 11:35 am)
- Me too - OP (Views: 1033, 2024-02-23, 9:59 am)
- People are so nasty here - No one wants to spend time (Views: 1139, 2024-02-23, 8:34 am)
- Agreed - OP (Views: 1073, 2024-02-23, 10:01 am)
- Agree too - No info ever given out (Views: 1012, 2024-02-23, 11:51 am)
- You people - are nutz (Views: 497, 2024-04-21, 11:21 pm)