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Applying for a position - I never hear anything back

Posted: Mar 9th, 2025 - 7:47 pm

I have sent out resumes for the two jobs listed here and one to Medscribe with a computer-generated reply, but nothing else. I have checked some other companies, but they don't seem to be hiring or I can't find any information on how to apply. There seems to be Scribe positions listed, and I have applied, again no response. I am experienced in acute care and radiology. I feel I am just wasting my time. One company had a rather extensive process for hiring, including watching a video, no thanks, all that for probably nothing. No information about pay.

I check Indeed, but nothing there or just the same thing that has been posted for a while.

I know no one wants to list the companies they work for, but I am just curious if anyone is working!


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