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MedQuist made me an offer, but... - Veronica Ng

Posted: Feb 20th, 2025 - 4:55 pm

Hello ladies,

I'm Veronica in Nassau county, Long Island.  I'm transgender, banging away at the keyboard for hours, actively saving for my sex reassignment surgery.  I was recently offered a position at MedQuist, but I'm ambivalent about it.  First, I don't know their proprietary platform called DocuDong.  Is it difficult?  Also, my potential supervisor, Mary Morken, says I would earn 3.5 cents per line, but I need a minimum of 5 at least.  They want me to train in HIPAA compliance, but I feel I'm exempt from this as I'm a transsexual receiving SNAP EBT.  Does anyone recommend MedQuist?  Will their health insurance cover Premarin, trifluoperazine, etc.?  Fuzeon?


Thanks, girls!  I love you dearly!!  I've been on hormone replacement for a year now, I just graduated to a B cup, and I'm going to Saks to buy a Bali bra  :-)  


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