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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Transcribeme.. (Views: 38)

For some people, any money coming in at that time - is better than none at all. SM

Posted: Dec 6th, 2023 - 11:35 am In Reply to: How do you afford to do this job anymore? - Anon

It's really that simple, not even a question of whether you can afford to or not.

Many people don't have the luxury of doing without a roof over their head or food on their table.

And before anyone starts with the lame excuse of how there's always other options, don't throw that in someone's face unless you've gone through it and you ARE THAT PERSON WITH NO OTHER OPTIONS.

As always: No explanations of someone else's lifestyle or reasons for doing what they do are required or obligated to be given to others of you who want to know.


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