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Sick-n-tired--but not of Nuance-- - of whining posters

Posted: Dec 21st, 2015 - 9:04 am

who work for N but complain about it incessantly. Seriously, get a different job. Those of you who have quit, stop whining. You all came to N knowing the LPH wages--why complain now? If those wages don't fit your needs, again I say, walk away. But I'm pretty sure the mindset out there that whatever else you find for work, you'll find a way to carp about that too. Don't like the new QA measures? Quit. Expecting Xmas gifts from your employer but not getting them and mad? Quit--and then readjust your expectations. Xmas gifts are not mandatory. Many companies don't do so and are not required to do so. Don't expect such, and then be pleasantly surprised if one should ever come your way. Seriously with this whining and high expectations, it's no wonder you're upset--the thing is, you do it to yourselves. Jeez if I felt like you did, I'd walk off a cliff. And IF Nuance is reading as so many of you theorize, you're a joke and you should be embarrassed about the things you whine about. If anything were truly illegal or underhanded as you all suspect, then why not get a lawyer and file a suit? What good do y'all think is going to happen by whining on a message board. There's a reason I (and several others I know) never bother checking this board. I made the mistake of coming to check on a word, but I'll stick to other venues. Good luck people--you're gonna need it in your entire scope of life.


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