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hmmmm - katem

Posted: Dec 21st, 2015 - 11:37 am In Reply to: Sick-n-tired--but not of Nuance-- - of whining posters

Your post seems to have started with a lie. You see, "incessantly" implies you HAVE in fact been visiting this site on a regular basis. You seem to know quite a bit of what fellow transcriptionists (although I hesitate to lump you in with the professionals) have posted in the past about the trials and tribulations of working for these companies. I'm guessing you're also newer and don't have the advantage of knowing what it used to be like in transcriptionland versus what today's atmosphere is like. So your coming to check on a "word" just doesn't fly. At what point does a troll make? One post seems to have done the trick for you (although I'm more inclined to believe you're one of the ongoing "not nice people" on this site).


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