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Whining and complaining - mom22

Posted: Dec 23rd, 2015 - 12:29 pm In Reply to: Sick-n-tired--but not of Nuance-- - of whining posters

If you're sick of whining and complaining on this board (which would mean you were READING the whining and complaining), then why does it make it okay for you to whine and complain about the whine and complainers? Then they (and apparently myself included) will whine and complain about your whine and complaining about whiners and complainers.

I will say this. I don't care if you whine and complain about your job or love it. I only walk in my shoes; therefore, I don't theorize (or criticize) why someone does or does not do something that perhaps I don't agree with or feel the same about. That being said, your comment about walking off a cliff is completely disrespectful. Is that really how you would feel? That someone needs to just jump off a cliff? Or were you just venting? It was completely inappropriate and out of line for any adult with any kind of heart or maturity whatsoever. And that is why YOU should feel embarrassed. But then that may just be my whining and complaining.


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