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I didn't delete it. I only edited it. The moderator did. - wannie

Posted: Dec 22nd, 2015 - 5:00 pm In Reply to: If that's the case, they sure did a good job with wannie's (now deleted) post - sm

The reason I edited it was because I was being misquoted, as I am once again. I didn't say I made 11.5 cpl. I said it was aggravating when I had the possibility of making 11.5 cpl (based on my C-LPH) and it got knocked down to 8 cpl because of a mistake in no way related to patient safety and cost me several hundred dollars in a week. Yeah, I'm human. I make mistakes. Should my rate be cut for it. No, it should not. Doctors make mistakes, nurses make mistakes, burger flippers make mistakes, CEOs make mistakes, but their pay doesn't get cut because of a mistake. That's not whining. That's stating facts. I'm glad there are people happy with Nuance. That is their prerogative. I came to Nuance through a buyout and was happy here until they started messing with our pay. I'm glad you got a laugh out of my post. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be comedy. Merry Christmas!


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