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Divide and conquer - wordie

Posted: Dec 22nd, 2015 - 12:14 pm In Reply to: Sick-n-tired--but not of Nuance-- - of whining posters

Okay, this might be way off base, but I feel compelled to bring this up. My immediate gut reaction (the one I almost always inevitably trust) was that this was posted by someone in either management or more likely HR/recruiting. If they actually ever do come here and read how employees (and ex-employees) feel about this company, it certainly would serve their purposes to incite this kind of divisiveness, considering that anytime they post an employment ad the immediate response is a few dozen dislikes. Even if my gut suspicion of a plant is wrong, you have to know they would be laughing and enjoying it tremendously anyway. Anything that keep us seeing each other as the problem works in their favor. Just my 2 cents.


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