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Did you give Landmark Transcription any notice - Ex-MT

Posted: Aug 03, 2014

When there was all of a sudden no work any more? Or do they even care or notice whether you do or not.  Someone else is obviously doing the work so I'm thinking it won't matter much to give notice or not.

Or me, the work dried up, kept getting called off - beenthere

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work, so I just stopped checking, never heard at thing from them (K). This happened to several others I know also.

I never gave a notice - sm

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I worked there for two years. The last six month my worked dried up so I just stopped logging in one day. They never even noticed. I have never heard from them again. Maybe they did notice, but the work there is so low they don't care if you quit.

no work - me to

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I am at the point right now. I have had 2 reports all day. My July checks did not come cloee to paying my monthly bills. I am looking somewhere else for other than MT work. Enough of this stuff and they say lack of work is because of the Holiday. Well that has come and gone, now what?

I gave notice, but they never responded to it - Ex-LM

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I left Landmark about 6-7 months ago after working there for about 2-1/2 years. The account I was on didn't run out of work all that often, but I just wasn't able to make a decent living there at all after the account went completely to VR. I tried to stick it out and tried to be positive, but in the end, I simply wasn't making nearly enough money, so I decided that it was time to move on. I sent an email giving my 2 weeks notice once I had found a new job, but I never even got so much as a reply acknowledging it. Real nice, huh? I ended up not even working out the entire 2 weeks and just immediately started at my new job and I still never heard from K. It doesn't really matter to me anyway since I'll never work there again. I do know a couple of people who have left there and didn't bother giving notice and they never even heard from anyone asking where they were and why they weren't working. That company is a complete mess.

I am amazed that this company stays in business - sm

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I did not give a notice there either after my account pretty much dried up and I never got a response from any of my emails about a backup account. I just left and never heard a peep from anyone. I even sent an email that they may want to disable my ID and password because it was still active, but still never heard anything from anyone. There is zero communication at Landmark and I am shocked that they can stay in business running their company that way.

Flip-side of the coin - Beach Glass Lover

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I'm on an ER account that has a terrible time staying in TAT (in the 7 months a year it has abundant work). We keep getting scolded about doing all we can to help keep the account current, etc... We've gone from almost 95% straight typing to about 95% editing instead. Sometimes, it really helps if the stick actually has a carrot dangling on it to encourage me to continue on, especially after a couple of years of this.

That sounds like the account I was on - Ex-LM

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We may have been on the same account. I was also on a busy ER account that used to be mostly straight typing with only a little bit of VR, but during the last year or so that I was there, like you said, it went to about 95% VR. The VR on that account was horrible and just about all of the reports I got had to be erased and straight typed from scratch for half the pay and it never improved. What a joke. My several emails asking for a different account were always ignored. I was glad to get out of there.

I never gave notice either - beachgal

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I worked there for years. It got to the point where there was barely any work coming in, so I just stopped logging in. My absence was never acknowledged. I was even still getting the schedule e-mails.

One day months and months later, just for kicks, I decided to see if my password and log in still worked. Indeed it did, so I decided to log on and do a little work. THEN, I got an e-mail finally from K asking what I was doing.

I am so tired of no work. sm - Used to like LM

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Now, I am just burned out. I am tired of trying to squeeze reports out of a day and fight other people for work. I'm looking for a job in other fields and hope to hear back on something soon. The worst thing is the attrition. Just let people go, for pity's sake, and let them at least get unemployment and/or qualify for retraining. Just pulling work forces people to either quit or go broke.

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