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Whats the scoop, are we back to apostrophes? - The BOS gives me a headaches

Posted: Mar 16, 2011

I always think the docs must go nuts when they dictate Alzheimer's or Crohn's or Behcet's and see Alzheimer or Crohn or Behcet.  Sometimes I think all of ADHI's rules and regs are just arbitrary.... Are we back to apostrophes now, according to those powers that be?  And who, by the way, ever gave them those powers, anyway??

BOS.......... pish - Sucker Racket

[ In Reply To ..]

apostrophes - sweetgirlsmom

[ In Reply To ..]
The BOS states "the AMA Manual of Style and other industry resources have acknowledged this trend away from the possessive form."

"Drop the possessive form for eponyms" followed by a noun. Alzheimer disease.

"When the noun following the eponym is omitted, the possessive form is preferred" Alzheimer's.

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