A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

whats the word on US career institute?? - Me

Posted: May 24, 2010

I know someone who wants to train as an MT- Thats been decided already. What's the best place to do it in??

The word is - Old MTSO

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You need the best education you can get. It is imperative that your program uses the SUM program. Do not even consider a program that does not use SUM. I would not recommend US Career Institute. My choices would be either Andrews or M-TEC. Contact each one and see which one you feel would best meet your needs. Call some of the companies that you think you would like to work for and ask their HR Department if they hire grads from whatever school you are seriously considering. Above all, remember--"cheap" is never a solution when it comes to MT education. You can "cheap out" and waste your money on a flimsy education and I can guarandarntee that any decent company will not even give you an interview, much less an actual job. The matchbooks are a waste of both time and money. Also energy! Select a school that will really and truly train you, not one that also trains floral arrangers, private detectives, vet assistants, computer techs, amusement park barkers, etc. You get the idea. Go with someone who really knows the MT world and has a proven track record. Although I am far from being a fan of AHDI, you might ask them what they think of a prospective school as well. They can be useful in providing an informed opinion. Good luck--and choose wisely!

choose wisely follow up - geckobuddy

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I agree - choose wisely.

However, I would not exclude a particular school based on one persons opinion. Clearly "me's" posting above is meant to slight this school by association. He says "I would not recommend. . ." but then insinuates the statements below are in fact truth about that school

A brief phone call to U.S. Career (number right off the website http://www.uscareerinstitute.com/index.asp ) proves "me's" answer to be both false and misleading since according to the school themselves they do NOT offer the courses listed above. They also indicate that their MT course is written to AHDI standards.

I say it's worth a call to ANY school that offers the program so you can make sure you are not excluding the school that best meets your need.

One size does not fit all - check out multiple accredited schools like U.S. Career Institute.

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