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Atheron - What's the scoop? - wondering

Posted: Jun 16, 2015

Anybody work for Atheron??  I can't find anything on them - good or bad.  They certainly put you through a hiring/recruitment process - psych testing, audio testing, 1st interview, now onto my 2nd interview today.  Is all this worth it??

I checked them out online in the recent past... - sm

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I was turned off from applying when I saw that they pay via PayPal. Being paid weekly would be real nice, but having to pay PayPal's fee each time I was paid made me say no thanks.

Atheron - What's the scoop? - wondering

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Good to know. Thanks!!

RE:Athreon - MT52

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From what I remember, there were a lot of "hoops" to jump through. One that stands out is that you had to apply or get proof of a home business license from your local municipality. After all of that and doing their testing, they offered me the position only to rescind it two hours later when I told them I had vacation planned later in the month.

Hold on... psych testing? - say what

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as in past psychiatric history, medications, etc?

Atheron - What's the scoop? - wondering

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Yes, psych testing. It's an online psych evaluation. It took about an hour to do if I remember right. They had questions like "If someone punched you in the face would you, A. Punch them back. B. Sit and plan you revenge attack. C. Tell your supervisor." LoL. Joking but the questions were in that type of fashion. Testing to see what your personality is like.

I did think it was really odd too that I was asked if considered for the job that I get a business name, DBA, and Tax Id number. There are a lot of hoops, more than I have EVER had to go through for an MT job. I've been in this business working at home since 2002.

Yeah, all kinds of warning bells going off - with that one

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That is really sort of creepy. Getting your own license to work, getting paid by PayPal, getting a personality profile, that just does not add up. Something very weird going on there, I'd stay away if I were you.
Just tested yesterday - antigeekess
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Yeah, that stupid personality profile stuff was incredibly long and pretty dumb, considering a lot of it focused on workplace violence and it's for a telecommuting job. Still no idea what they pay. I also finished testing for M*Modal this morning. Wowza. That French surgeon. Sacre bleu!

walmart asks you those same questions..nm - office girl

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Atheron - What's the scoop? - wondering
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Well, I turned down the job, just finished my 2nd interview. Burning questions...was it worth it?? For a part-time position, NO. VR pay is low - 3 cents/line. If you were to work full-time on one of their straight accounts, then YES. Tier payscale - 6000+ lines a week typed is 10 cents a line. I was looking for part-time work and at my current position I get paid 4 cents/line. Pennies DO MATTER. LoL. Thanks for all your input.
They may use VBC definition of typed line - Jill M
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VBC for Virtual (or Visual) Black Characters, that is, not including spaces.
Athreon - GSD
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No pay for spaces. Paypal takes a percentage, business license. You will not make over 200 a week. Awful. Pay scale is 1-2000 0.7, 2001-4000 0.8, 4001-6000 0.9, 6001- 10.
$200 a week - Long-Time MT_NY
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Are you saying there isn't enough work to make $200 a week or that paypal fees will be so high that you don't make that. Paypal feels are 2.9% and did you ask if the company pays the fee? I know there are a few companies that pay by Paypal and pay the fee.

Psych testing-everyone uses it - Long Time MT-NY

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Almost all big companies (especially retail) use this type of testing. It is a way to check out the kind of person you are, they ask the same question a multitude of ways to see if you are lying and would embezzle or harm someone. Some big names that use it are Home Depot and Lowes but there are many more.
Yes - But
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all of these places are "customer service" oriented, where you see people on a face-to-face basis daily. This job is where that never happens. We are isolated and these types of questions seem to be irrelevant to the job.

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