A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

whats next - give up

Posted: May 17, 2010

I started a new extremely hard account March 1.  One month later, I was audited. I don't think its fair that I should be expected 98% on a new horrible account I was still learning as of a month?  Considering we used to even get paid well hourly for the first few months learning/adjusting to new accounts?

Now its been 1 1/2 months, I'm being audited this very minute.  I didn't combine ileal with another word and I get a critical major error to minimal impact? I'm like all of you, how did that impact health to get such an error. NOT COMBINING TWO WORDS???

The area I came from before, audited me ONCE in 6 months (since it became required monthly). They WERE NOT PICKY AT ALL.

How is it fair that some areas are doing things differently.  Why is everything at Medquist benefitting some but not others.

Me too. - MT39

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Feeling completely beat up by MQ right now. It is just depressing. And not feelin the love from my new sup or quality coach. Miss my old sup who used to fight for me and make me feel like she wanted me to make more $$. :sigh:

MT39 - Nick

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Goes to show you they don't call MQ THE SQUID for nothing.

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