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Whats the deal with Keystrokes lately? Lots of Ads posted like - Every single week. Curious

Posted: Feb 08, 2013

Never use to see that many ads for them now they have one every single week. Are they that busy? Lots of new accounts or what?

It's because no one wants to work for them anymore - SM - Former KS

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There have been lots and lots of changes there over the past year, none of them good. Pay cuts, new ridiculous rules, micromanagement, overstaffed accounts, and a HUGE amount of nepotism. So many people have left, even people who worked there for years. That's the reason why they have all these ads running lately. They can't keep anyone. I left myself back in late August/early September.

people fed up, mmmmaybe? - anon

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My experience was not pleasant. Only way to survive was to play the game or leave. I graduate HS thank you very much!

Lots of new accounts. I just got moved to one of the new ones. - Long-Time Keystrokes MT

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Yes, there have been changes but I still like my job. Better the two giants in a very, very big way.

Of course, positive posts always get slammed, so I am sure that I will get blasted now.

I have noticed their long-term employees leaving in packs - wonderingtoo

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I have noticed that a lot of their old.cheerleaders have even left. I wonder if people are tired of the family business being ALL family. If you have issues with one - you have issues with all, including the CEO!! You are pretty much done at that point! They make it so.miserable you have to leave for.your sanity OR they put you out.of your misery by letting you go by finding LITTLE things or made-up things to write you up for. This used to be a great profession. It's a shame it has turned into what it is!

So true - Tired MT

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One of my good friends use to be a big KS cheerleader and even helped me get hired there a few years ago, but even she finally got fed up and left last year and I ended up leaving a few months after her. What did it for me was getting the biggest lecture of my life for being 2 minutes over 40 hours one week on that ridiculous time clock. They way I was talked to by CS was downright rude, condescending, and unprofessional. You would have thought I had 20 hours of OT by the way she talked to me! My personal opinion is that Keystrokes isn't going to be around a whole lot longer with the way things have been going there. It's quite sad. They had a really good thing going back in the day, but the company is so mismanaged and disorganized that all of the things that used to be so great about KS have been totally ruined and probably will never be the same again.
What changed? I have been considering going back but want to know what has changed. sm - Thank you
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Is it people or the way things are done?

I keep reading that it is a lot of family and friends, but it used to be that way too. I know about the timeclock, but have worked for other services that do that too, and I think most will have them soon if they don't already.

What else has changed?

The only reason I left a few years back was that I needed health insurance when my husband was out of work, and theirs was too expensive. Now I have insurance through his new job and don't need any.

Thank you in advance to help me make an informed decision. Anything has to be better than where I am, but I don't want to make a mistake.
Why don't you reach back out to your previous supervisor? - Rachel
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Perhaps you can get a better feel from that contact instead of asking only people here who have issues. If you look through all the posts on every company, no one has nice things to say about ANY of them. This board is comprised of only a few busybodies who remain anonymous and could be living a happy life but choose to spew venom. Life is about choices, people. Get on with it.
More than a few. - Even old timers have had it.
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So many old timers have hung in there because of promises things will get better. 5++ years for me and I wanted to believe the hype. Instead of being a leader in the industry and a company everyone wants or wanted to work for, it is quite the opposite. The lack of honesty, the lack of respect, the lack of work, benefits and cuts in pay...the list goes on. By all means if you know anyone other than your old lead, seek them out for an honest opinion of what has happened and what is going on now. If you know anyone that has left seek them out for their opinion as well.

The ones that are making money and being left alone have no complaints, it is a different story on the other side of the coin.

Same situation with me - Been there, done that
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I was one of the long time KS employees who left. I was there for 7 years. I kept hanging in there thinking that maybe things would get better and tried to remain optimistic. I also didn't want to have to start all over with a new company, but in reality, that's what I needed to do and I should have done it much sooner than I did and save myself the aggravation and headaches. The old Keystrokes was the best, but those days, unfortunately, are long gone and will never return. Too much damage has been done, in my opinion, for it to ever be the same again.
What is the differente between then and now? Also considering going back. nm - Ex-KS
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The company I am with pays 7.7 cpl but there is no work. I left KS on good terms and really enjoyed it there. I left to go work at the hospital that I had been previously when they contacted me and gave me a good hourly rate. That lasted 2 years, but they outsourced the department last October. I have been miserable ever since.

I always kept to myself, so I don't know anyone to contact. My lead, who I absolutely loved, became the KS recruiter, and I read last year that she died. I don't think she was even 40 years old.

Anyways, what is different? If you can give me some specifics, I can evaluate it. I know about the pay cuts, but I am not making anything now. I don't need insurance. The vague answers don't help me. Reading this board has confused me more than anything. I just want to know what the aggravation and headaches are. Why was the old Keystrokes so much better to you?
Stay put. Maybe try going back part-time to see if - you really want to work there..sm
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if things go good for you part-time then consider going full time either that or at least try to contact some of the people that you know who have worked there or still work there and get their input. Dont give up the job you have right now until you know for sure you want to go back there full time.
So true - Midwest MT
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Oh boy, do I know that time clock. I also know why that time clock is so darn important to them. Someone, somewhere along the line turned them in for requiring more than 40 hours (since all production was counted only by line at the time) and not paying overtime. Now, you have to punch in and out on the stupid time clock so they do not have that problem again. I am an EX-KS myself since last year after having been there for eight years. I also know how it is to be beaten into the ground by CS. I did excellent work for them and anywhere else would have been considered a star employee. Not there though....the micromanaging from CS just finally became way too much for me and I had to leave in order to keep my sanity, let alone self-esteem and pride. As with a lot of people here, I have over 20 years' experience. I take pride in my work and will do whatever it takes to get the job done. That is why when I finally had enough and made the decision to leave, I was able to get the first position I applied for, and it is not with a national company!!! I do agree that the "old Keystrokes" was a wonderful place to work but for me, it just kept going downhill for the past six years until it just bottomed out....:(

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