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major errors? - no $

Posted: May 28, 2013

Does anyone else run into this? I get all these major error reports from Fiesa, all of a sudden, one after another, with errors that I know, after 15 years of doing this job, I would not have made. I know with certainty that these errors would not escape me.  Anyone else get this kind of BS?

Oh yeah. All time time. - MT

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people fight it. I don't have the time. I still qualify for bonus. But I delete the nasty e mails b/c I know it is a mistake the majority of the time. To let it bother self-esteem would be to actually lose productivity and quality so that is why I can no longer take this seriously. In spite of their efforts to question serious errors on an ongoing basis. I think it is a mind game and I will not play. Every day I work it is me and the dictations. Nothing more. This way I survive. If you do fight it please don't get emotionally involved. Remember it is you, the dictations, and the patient. Not the other BS. Just my way of getting the job done.

sorry for typing time twice. My computer has a hiccup. nm - nm

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oh yeah - no $

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Thank you so much for your input. I have been taking it personally and it has been eating away at me. I question it and TCM says "Error stands". I suppose it's easier for her. Must switch to survival mode too, earn my little bit of $ and sign off. Thanks again.

Hang in there you can do it - MT

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I am not kidding you, the less contact you have with these kinds of things the better you will do. As long as you make sure to honestly listen to your dictations and send blanks when you are not sure (no guessing), leave this stuff out of your mind and focus on the job. It will seem like the old days again except you will be editing and you will also be making less money probably than the old days. BUT it will again be you and the dictators, the patient care will count, and your mind will focus less on anxiety of what kind of errors will you hear about. You will make less errors if you are there 100% for the job. The boss will bother you less and less. Not to say they don't still do it but they won't as often and you will see your productivity rise and your blood pressure lower. I am not kidding. This job gave me so much anxiety a year ago and it took months to figure out that it was me getting in the heads of the QC and boss, with all the e mails, then I started blaming myself, calling myself all kinds of names and soon enough my quality was plummeting as well as line counts. Now that I leave their garbage to them, I skim e mails and hit delete often, unless they are really important (client specs). Otherwise every day I say to myself, I will just look at the dictations, I will stay in the mindset of the dictation and no name calling in my mind of the boss, OR ME. I hope it helps you. Survive!
That is the only way I survive this dump too. - mt2
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I glance at the emails and delete. I log on, do my job, log off. No more, no less. I make my $100 a day. I'm still job hunting for something better away from MT work. Don't let this place get to you. It's not worth it.

Errors? - MindGames

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Get them also and know that I do not make them. Have 30+ years acute care experience and a very good memory of things I type. Why do they do this to people? What do they gain? It's pretty sick IMHO. We don't need that kind of harrassment.

Constantly - very frustrating - I finally stopped reading them - because I asked my TSM about them...SM

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and he said that if it isn't dealing with your post-audit, there is no need to worry. I used to get all upset and berate myself. However, when I noticed these errors were coming from offshore, and THEY were the ones correcting, I just let it go. I shrug - hit delete - and go on my merry way.

I don't read them anymore - I hit delete before reading. - I just wish they would fire me, anyway.

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Show me the UE. That's all I want.

Dont worry about the errors - from QA. sm

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Only look at the ones that are post-audit. They are the ones that screw with your bonus bucks. QA people are always on "power" schticks. Kind of like some cops that take their jobs to their heads? You know what I mean. Don't sweat the small stuff and that's QA. Do your very best and KNOW it's your very best and get on to the next report. :) Hope this helps!

Please get this straight..it's QC not - QA

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You don't have to worry about QC for your bonuses. QC is for reports before they go to the client for nonDSP people and for blanks.
QA is post audit and is what you have in Fiesa and THAT is what you have to worry about for your bonuses.

QA is in Fiesa too - nm

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So I just skip over the QC reports, the ones that say something like QC review. It drives me almost bonkers that people can't keep QC/QA straight.
QA - anon
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They are the ones that rip your report to shreds, any extra the and they are all over you. Those are my problem reports.

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