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anybody else getting a lot of major errors QC1 lately? - new but old

Posted: Oct 06, 2013

I know these don't count towards bonuses etc but it still unnerves me to open my email nearly every day and seeing these stupid alerts with my percentage in the tank.  Some of them I take full credit for others I dispute but it still shakes me up so therefore some of the mistakes I make is just because I am nervous about literally everything I type. 

You aren't the only one - youarenotalone

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And as with the retro audits I'm not seeing that many of their "errors" they alert you to are not errors. I think they're out to try to bring everyone down so we all quit.

Same ole prototypical BullStank - BillyRubin

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Don't be nervous. Who cares what they send you. Type fast with with abandon. This company has reckless disregard for the truth and exaggerated extolling of virtues

Your bottom line should be money and speed. They are always going to find errors with your work no matter how good and careful you are. What is the worst that could happen, you lose this job? Really?

worst that could happen - sm

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For those who don't have anything else to turn to or any future job prospects other than another MT company that is just the same, losing this crappy job could be the worst thing that could happen. As bad as it is, some of us are grateful to have a little bit of a paycheck every 2 weeks to keep a roof over our heads and the electricity on for 2 more weeks. It is very sad that it has come to this, too.

Type fast with abandon?? Really? What ever happened to having pride in your work and doing it to the best of your ability no matter the circumstances? You know the oath doctors have to take, first do no harm? I wish MTs would have to take a similar oath. Maybe it would remind us all that we do play a role in patient care and typing fast and with abandon could cause harm to patients! It's not okay for the companies to treat us the way they do, but it's not okay for us to half ass what we are being paid to do either. Two wrongs do not make a right! Remember, we are patients too. Would you want to possibly be killed because of an MT typing one of your medical reports as fast as s/he could and with abandon??

I don't know about you, but I could not live with myself if I made an error, which I would not have made had I been going slower, that lead to the death of someone else.

I agree with sm - new but old

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I also take pride and can't just type without regard to consequences. I am the one who will always go back and try and fill in any blanks that I may have left and yes it slows me down terribly but I was hired to type reports and to do it to the best of my ability. I just get so depressed some times with these stupid things that they find to mark me off for. I was trained in an actual office 14 years ago and was very well trained and the FIESA just sets me on edge

She did not say you don't have pride in your work - OR to not do your best

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I don't know that typing fast and with abandon are necessarily irresponsible. Abandon doesn't mean complete disregard.

Personally, I tried proofreading everything and going slow and it bored me to death, also I still got just as many errors, which despite double proofing I missed.

So I am back to going faster, enjoying myself much more, trying to BE THERE with the dictation at all times so I don't have to keep rereading over and over. Please know that in no way does this mean I take my responsibility lightly, I think you have to do what works for you and makes your work enjoyable and you more engaged.

I try not to leave more than 3 blanks because that is when they get you bad, that is somewhere I do take time to not leave too many blanks, but obviously I do leave 3+ blanks if I have to. If you do that, just make sure you go through the document completely or else they will try to get as many points off you as possible, sadly.

For me, going faster and trying to bring all my faculties and concentration into the process works well without sacrificing accuracy and patient care, so I don't necessarily think going slower is the key.
Exactamudo - BillyRubin
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Fast editing and/or fast typing with abandon does not mean that one does not take pride in their work. It means it is smoother and more stress-free. I learned how to cut every corner with my speed type and making templates and then fixing just what needed to be fixed. The faster I went the more concentration I had and the more accurate I was. I didn't stress over every small detail. I very seldom heard from QA and had no significant problems other than slow platforms and software. After all, there are safety checks with QA and supposedly the doctor reading his work. Right? What is sacrificing patient care is front-end VR. It probably delivers somewhere around a 60-70% accuracy rate where whole sentences of words are incorrect. Take 3 points off for every word and what have you got? Doctors also play into the equation, many do not read through their reports they just push a button and send it on. Once it is QA'd and the doctor signs off on it, I am no longer responsible for quality patient care.

I think the problem is they are squeezing us - from both ends

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After getting some (admittedly deservedly) bad errors, I felt awful and for awhile I was double proofing everything extensively and being very careful.

What happened? My lph became less than 200 and I checked and guess what that means? My share of the production bonus was 0 cents per hour. That's right. To take the time to make the reports as perfect as possible to get the QA weekly production bonus and not get too much off the QA percentage, in my case I then did not produce enough per hour to receive the production bonus! Gah.

So I am trying my best to be as careful as possible AND as fast as possible. No doubt I will get caught again, it is inevitable, but even when I was going slow and doing the proofing I did too!

I wish they would just maybe pick one randomly every day. They always seem to pick a whole heap over a day or two (usually when you've been asked to do OT and are frazzled to the bone) and go to town on all of them.

I can only do my best but what's the point of trying so hard to get the production bonus if you actually only qualify for 0 cents per hour of the production bonus?

I personally would rather have the weekly bonus than that stupid quarterly thing where they take more in taxes than they give you, but I guess everyone has to, within this idiotic system, do what works for them and figure out how to make the most of a bad deal.

Major errors - burnedouco

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It does get me very nervous. I would be even more anxious if I could not retire next year. If I knew I had to do this job for years and years, I think the stress would be unbearable and I would just have to do something else. I have worked in a number of hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, labs, and even other companies over 28 years and it has never been so nerve racking as this. Is it some kind of strategy to keep us on edge? Not working because it makes me slow down to the point of being OCD about the reports (checking and rechecking) and still QC finds a supposed error. I spend so much time getting errors reversed on my own time it is sad. The major error e-mails seem to comes in spates, none for a long while, then a lot, and then intermittently. Who knows? Try not to let it get you down.

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