A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Apr 24, 2014

I can't believe I got a letter in the mail today stating that they've cut off my health care benefits because my hours have been cut.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  I work the same number of hours every week and have since Nuance took over.  On paper they have me down for 29 hours and I work 32.  All of a sudden I'm not working enough hours and now being told to get COBRA!!!!   This is the absolute last straw! 

Contact the Department of Labor and The Insurance Commissioner - in your state

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You don't say whether they schedule you for 32, or if you just work 32. Are they cutting you from 32 to 29?

Labor department - Pollyanna

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They have me "on paper" as 29 hours and I work 31-32 hours weekly. Why after 2 years is this an issue?? I wasn't even contacted about this until I got notice that my benefits are GONE!!!!

I work less than 30 and have the Obamacare. - Short Timer

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It was better than the insurance they offered at Probity when I was full time so went part time and bought my own insurance, Blue Cross. When Obamacare became law they increased the rate for the same insurance by $400. I found a better insurance on the govt site for $65 a month as with my pitiful salary I qualify for a huge subsidy. I know the open enrollment has expired, but if you just lost your insurance you may be able to enroll. It is worth looking into. If you make a good salary (you say you work for Nuance so I am not thinking you fit into that category) you will wind up paying more. This Obamacare really benefits the insurance companies the most but my insurance is cheaper than before but nothing like BC thinks it is worth charging for an insurance I still can't use because of the high deductible.

I wish you the best.

Lost insurance through Nuance - Former MModal worker

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Sorry to hear that happened to you, but just want to add my 2 cents that in case you don't have experience with COBRA watch out--it can be expensive and not always exactly the same coverage you had. I agree you would do better with Obamacare and most likely do not have to wait until the next open enrollment because of what happened to the insurance you had. Also that would give you some flexibility if you want to accept a job as an IC if you find a place that sounds otherwise good since you would have the insurance on your own. Good luck!

I think you will get huge subsidies on your - deductible

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That is my understanding--if you get your premium subsidized, you get your deductible subsidized. Maybe you will be able to afford to see a doctor after all!

I would have questioned this when the benefit - info was announced. Knowing

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your were "on paper" under the required hours for insurance would trump the few extra hours you work "off paper." If you've consistently worked and met production at the increased/required hours, then I would attempt to fight based on that. This is why many companies have now started since Obama Care making sure PT workers are PT and are not allowed to go over a set PT schedule. I know MModal does not allow their PT to go over 28 hours or they would be putting themselves in a position of having to offer benefits.

I'm going to take a guess and say you are working - on the Transcend side? I say this

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because I too was original Transcend side. I had quit about 8 months after the Nuance takeover. I eventually came back about 5 months ago to the "Nuance side" PT. I know with Transcend, they didn't really adhere to schedules (I was PT and could basically work as much as I wanted). Over on the Nuance side of things, if your schedule in the system says 29 hours, that's it unless you have specific permission to work over that or outside that schedule. It's much more regulated than it was on the Transcend side. Your TSM should have warned or caught on to this and rectified it, but I have a feeling they are clueless (which is a big part of the reason I finally had to get out).

Something else though that is strange, if you were 29 hours on paper, how did you even qualify for benefits to begin with?

Pollyanna - Nick

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See both the Labor Board and talk to a lawyer. Many bar associations and law schools have "free days/nights" when you can have 30 minutes with a lawyer for free. I hope you take them to the cleaners. They should not be allowed to get away with this. Good luck to you.

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