A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Qualified text - ?

Posted: Mar 09, 2015

How much are we paid for qualified text, and where do you see that?  Is it in webclock or on our pay stubs?

QT lines 1/8 = 1 line. divide the QT lines by 8 - to figure how many lines

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QT lines are really not so bad. I think better than VR. They use QT lines for templates that you drop down into the report. The rest is straight typing.

...which is still a penny a line if you only get 8cpl... - nm

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Thanks,where would I find that - ?

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Even though it's not a lot I want to make sure they are paying me for it. I never see it on Webclock when I approve my timecard. Where can you find it?

It's lumped in with all other lines... - sm

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Straight typing lines, edited lines at 50%, and QT lines at 1/8 the number - then all that paid at wherever you fall in the grid that week. I've yet to try keeping up with the shift differentials, so I can't tell you how to figure that out. I do think there is a worksheet that, at some point, was supplied by a TSM that has since left the company...

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