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Smartronix Limited, got an email saying I qualified for a job - and to set up yahoo messenger, sm

Posted: Aug 19, 2013

for job interview.  The internet says  there are scams out there for this type of thing.  Anyone hear of this company?  The job is posted on another board. 

LOL -- was just going to post about them as well - nn

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I just got the email as well. It definitely is a scam. There is no way that I am going to add that person to my contacts. I went through something very similar years ago -- not MT-related and had a heck of a time getting rid of that person on my Messenger -- plus, I can't believe the pay rate.

Why would this alone make it a scam? - just saying

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Because their website looks pretty legit and they post their phone number. I'd call them before I dismissed them as as scam, that is assuming I took the time to apply.

Just saying...cheers for more gullable! Looks legit! - Heads up

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Good thing there are people who warn others. It is because of people being so gullible and then we all have to pay the price.

SmartTronix--same thing - anon

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Here's a copy of the email I received from them. I did add them on yahoo and asked if I had applied for the wrong position because I was interested in transcription. He said yes I applied for the right then and proceeded to tell me the history of this company. The grammar looks like someone who is an ESL. I signed off.

but here's the email:

Dear applicant

we apologize for the delay in response as in regards to your resume that was forwarded to our hiring department, The Hiring Desk of SMARTRONIX INC . has reviewed your resume and we believe you have the required qualifications to proceed. This is a Payroll Clerk/Receivable position, Working hours are from 8am-3pm, Monday-Friday. The starting pay is $45 /hr for this Payroll Clerk/Receivable , you are also expected to come online through Yahoo Messenger during working hours.

I want you to setup a yahoo messenger and if you got one already use it, add Mr XXXXXXX, the Hiring Manager and IM Him on this ID (XXXXXX@YAHOO.COM) ASAP for the interview/briefing and comprehensive job details.This is our first step to proceed further. He will be online waiting for you.

Best regards
Human Resource

Just fyi, I removed the name and the yahoo ID so I wouldn't be in trouble here.

I had a similar experience - a few years ago

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because they specify payroll clerk/receivable position, but on line, I questioned them a bit further. What I discovered is that they want you to "collect" payments for them through your bank account, send them a certain amount, and you keep a certain amount for yourself as payment for your "job." This is not legitimate so be careful in supplying them any info at all. I checked the address they provided and there was no such address. Please do not fall for this scam!!

Sounds like it's right up there with the Nigerian kings and princes - Writing letters saying there MILLIONS at stake

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LOL, oh yeah, that definitely looks like some sort of foreigner and looks amazingly similar in context (grammatical errors and all) to emails I would receive from randoms off of Craigs List when I was apartment-hunting.

My husband gets a lot of those Nigerian scam emails and they seem to have very, very similar grammatical and spelling errors.

I hope no one is giving this man/woman/whatever their SS#. Sounds like a total phishing scam.

ok that's different - just saying

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The OP didn't clarify how crazy the email was...

Smartronix - Angi

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I too had the same thing. I, in fact did add him, did an "online" interview, which I thought was weird, then told me to hang tight while he sent my answers to HR. Came back a few hrs later saying I am hired. They sent me an offer letter, and an application to fill out, but then told me that I needed to purchase accounting software in order for their IT staff to add it to my laptop. I've NEVER had to pay for anything to work from home...My guess is this whole thing is a scam. I only needed to work 5 hours a day, and make $45 an hour...uhmmmm, yeah, okay right...I don't believe it one bit.

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