A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Shortage of qualified MTs? - Raine59

Posted: Jul 01, 2010

The following is on page 13 of Medquist's 1st quarter filing to the SEC.  Apparently by "qualified" they mean willing to work for peanuts and take all the abuse they dish out.  Usually when there is a shortage of workers in a particular industry, it drives wages up.  Funny how it doesn't work that way in MT.

Significant developments in the clinical documentation industry include:

A shortage of qualified domestic medical transcriptionists (MTs) and medical editors (MEs) has increased the demand for offshore medical transcription services by healthcare providers. This demand for qualified MTs and MEs, combined with budgetary pressures experienced by healthcare providers nationwide, has also caused many more healthcare providers to evaluate and consider the use of offshore medical transcription services.



Transcriptionists in India who can't even... sm - ridiculous

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speak English are considered qualified???... and I'm sitting here unemployed after being let qo by MQ after working my A _ _ off for them for 11 years.

So does SEC have any clue how many of us are - unemployed/underemployed, etc. -sm

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in this country? About how many MTs here WANT to work, and how many more MTs who want to work are being cranked out of these "transcription schools" every month, and yet they claim there's a "shortage" of US MTs? Someone needs to fill them in on what's really going on in this God-forsaken industry.

BS! It's all about money. Look at all the people on here looking for jobs. - mrs.krabs

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They force out their loyal pros with their crappy ASR and abusive nitpicking, not to mention paycuts.

Shortage of MTs - Linda

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This needs to be reported to the SEC. I am not experienced, but I truly want a job and I would work very hard. I read over and over about MTs wanting and needing jobs.

Appalling and offensive! n/m - Adios

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Should read "Shortage of qualified domestic - Adios

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medical transcriptionists and medical editors willing to work for minimum wage, now that MedQuist has monopolized the industry, has increased the demand....

Thats what AHDI wants everybody to believe. n/m - Rocky Raccoon

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All those failing audits - Spherite

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That's going to be their proof that these experienced US MTs are not qualified. It's a sham.

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