So, our CCM sent out an e-mail that she has received a directive that if we are not working our exact schedule, we are going to receive an oral warning and then be performance managed.
If there is no work, we have to put in a Q-Care ticket or we will be performance managed.
Remember when we first were pitched the idea of working at home? One of the points was that we could be flexible in our schedule. Now we are just slave wages on an assembly line with no deviation in schedule. Just anot ...
ICs beware. If your MTSO is found to be noncompliant by the IRS, you will be next in their crosshairs. ...
Has anyone on here ever been written up for not following schedule? I know its important to follow but they out of the blue last summer called me up and said I had to change my schedule and I now have more evening hours. I was already working on Sundays but anyway I used to work 2 hours in the eveings and would somehow like to get back to that instead of 4 hours. CCm in my group sent out an email a short while ago stating if she found out people were not working schedule ...
What is with the compliance and audits and the threatening cloud above us to perform so many reports and lines in an hour and then have to be perfect in trying to accomplish goals that are unrealistic and unreasonable. It would be so nice to get an appreciation email or bonus once in a while instead of all this looming gloom. ...
If you have your own personal business or contract with a doctor's office, not working for an established company, what kind of things do you have to do to be HIPPA compliant? Do they actually go and inspect and/or question your business practices? Does your work get questioned through the doctor's office?
Does HIPPA give certifications and/or anything to tell a perspective client that you practice HIPPA compliance?
Are there any other legal things that someone should worry about whe ...
My company is making all ICs draw up their own to detailed HIPAA compliance processes and security protocols, provide proof of HIPAA and insurance compliance and have a signed Business Associate Agreement in place. They are also requiring that we have more than 1 company that we work for, to be considered an IC.
Has anyone ever done this before? Any suggestions on where to start for drawing up the HIPPA protocols, etc? ...
My sister has recently taken on the task of medical record compliance at her husband's dental office. They are electronic (just going that way), and she is trying to be HIPAA compliant. I know this doesn't concern transcription, but I though maybe someone has an MR person in their office who could direct her to a blog, or website where she could get information. Thanks! ...
Just googled my former TSM ("former" because I got laid off in August) and on her Facebook page she is down as Compliance Program Director at MModal. This was/is the North region. To those of you so inclined......PLEASE spare me the "you don't have a life..." or whatever just because for a moment while on the computer I became curious and her name popped into my head. I have a life, just fine. Thanks. ...
"A small amount of fluid is present at this site consistent with postbiopsy heam."
It is pronounced very clearly. Google seems to think it should be "haem", short for "haematoma" or "haemotology". Anyone else heard of this? ...
Once the vertical limb was completely closed, measurement is taken from the inframammary crease mark which is 1 cm below the *nader* of the incision up to the lower limbus of the nipple areolar complex. ...
I need advice. I have just recently gone from employee (for over 35 years) to independent contractor. This has probably been asked or discussed before, but I never paid any attention to the discussions as it never pertained to me; now I wish I had read the posts. I feel lost here. I was hired in the usual manner, and told what my line rate would be. I understand the part about no taxes taken out, no benefits, etc. I was also told what hours/days they need ...
I trained for 5 days and was called today and told I was terminated. No explanation but their instructions on page breaks sucked and I had off and on problems with them. They sent a video to watch and and would not play on my computer and I told them about it. All they did was send it to me again and still didn't work. These companies are all about greed and do not want to take time to really train someone who really wants to learn their job. ...
I just received an email that was addressed to us ladies stating that as of Friday this week, we are not needed anymore because all doctors in a certain place are switching to EMR. It was a whole city. This is the first I have heard of this, that is, all their accounts in this city are switching. God Help us All ...
After 14 years of transcribing for a medical practice, suddenly, without notice, I was "dumped." My client implimented the required EHR mandated by President Obama. I guess I was somewhat naive in not seeing this coming, but I assumed transcribed documents by a "real person" would still be wanted by my client. Now I find myself at age 57 without work. My next step is to inquire about verbatim transcription, but the idea of not correcting improper grammar and using "yeah" ...
hem/onc therapist doing breast exam. she describes r segmental mastectomy, then says "right (phonetic here) autella is negative. No nipple discharge. No skin changes." I would think she means areola, but I'm a guy, so what am I missing? Any ideas?
Two blanks on an op recreating nipples.
A small stab incision was made in the umbilicus and approximately 250 cc of tumescent fluid was "s/l interpolated" into the tissues of the abdomen.
Attention was then directed to the abdominal wall where fat was harvested using the "Adbive" (he spells this but cannot document) system sterilely to withdraw approximately 250 cc of fat. ...
I managed to squeak through the rest, but the drainage at the end stumps me.
"Prior to closure, *15 round Foley colluded blade* drains are brought out through lateral stab incisions secured with 2-0 nylon suture." Thanks! ...
Last week I was told that the account I was working on went to EMR and they do not need any of the MTs on that account anymore. :( I have been sending out my resume but no bites. I have 12 years of MT experience. Where are the jobs? ...
I was doing something on the internet in Explorer and I did something that made my toolbar at the bottom go away. Can anyone help me get it back? Thanks in advance. ...