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Regarding the English slang for Management being termed as a "SUIT." On a forum/bbs/chat board it is not uncommon to find shortened variations of words in slang terminology being used. There seems to be 2 classifications of work force/individuals on this forum and one would NOT need a certification in education to realize them to be Production and Management classifications.
The general consensus of "Production Workers" seems to have been appropriately christened "Slaves" with "Management Workers" being dubbed the "Suits." Such lighthearted and stress-relieving terms are nothing but a harmless outlet for those that appropriately associate themselves with them.
It would seem that those finding fault, offense, and discounting anything "credible" simply because these terms are used and or referenced... is at best, "infantile, and childish" to say the least. It would seem such an individual(s) would greatly benefit in either having their medications adjusted and or frequenting another forum, for such an obsession is tiresome and redundant in repeated efforts to draw attention to such a subject.
So, for this LOST person, whether you are a "SUIT or a SLAVE," let us hope for your own sake you aren't FOUND... since there must be more productive things you could be doing than staying focused on such ridiculousness in your below post.
You lost me with the infantile "suits" reference - Credibility crash for the thread
Posted: Sep 16th, 2010 - 12:02 pm In Reply to: Yes. This company makes the stupidest decisions. - K
Every time I'm interested in hearing what someone says in a thread, someone goes childish with a "suit" comment and all credibility goes out the window. The conversation was interesting before that happened, but now I don't believe the information to be factual. That's because of the low-credibility track record of the people making "suit" comments.