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It's just amazing that a company filled with - supposedly such smart

Posted: Jul 28, 2013

people can be so stupid, or oblivious, to the fact that they have an over-abundance of MTs during the week that run out of work on a constant basis but, on the weekends, work is over-flowing to the tune of "help help help".

Can they not figure out that if they would cough up just a few more cents a line for someone to cover weekend shifts, and offer it IN HOUSE first, that this all could be eliminated?  Of course, I don't know why it amazes me.  These people never were in the transcription business.  They just saw where they could make incredible money to stick in their deep pockets and bleed it until it was gone. 

And the team leads....wouldn't you think they would get tired of begging and pleading all weekend long for someone to "save them"?  I know that if I were a team lead, I would be screaming my head off to the people above me in management to figure it out, that scheduling is a nightmare, that there has to be a better way...of course, I probably wouldn't have a job either because I would be livid by now. 

Welp....I'm done with this place.  I was with MedQuist for TEN YEARS.  Happy as a bug in a rug in the beginning years.  Then, voice recognition hit them and I hung on for as long as I possibly could stand it, waaaay longer than any of my coworkers, hoping it would change, it would get better, but when a job starts becoming that much of a stress factor in your life....well....it's just not worth it anymore.  Much like this one with Nuance.  It's just not worth it anymore.  It's not getting better, it's getting worse, day after day after day after day.

I've tried, I've changed my schedule to what you said would give me the most work, I've changed the DAYS I work, again, because of what you said.  I've offered to learn new accounts, I've learned over 15.  You promised me, "hang on just a couple more days, we've got a new account going live" over and over and over again.  Yup, another new account, another set of account specs to learn on top of the 15 I already have and there's no work in those either.  And, if there is, it lasts for about 2 days and then mysteriously disappears.  Nope nope nope....I'm done with my husband paying all the bills.  HE is done spending his well-earned retirement money on all of the household bills.  It's not fair to him for me to stay here....It's not fair TO ME!

I put in an application with Precyse a few days ago.  I learned that I got the job this past Friday.  Here I go again, switching companies again, this will be the 4th in 5 years.  I've never switched jobs like this in my life.  Never.  I just hope, wish, and pray this is the last one until I can retire in 2016.

Everyone here sticking it out, good luck.  I really really hope that it settles down and Nuance figures out how to manage people and schedules and realizes that they MUST pay some money to make money.  My advice to all of you....when you run out of work, clock out.  Go about your day.  Check in the next day, if there's no work, clock out again.  Don't check your email every hour.  Make them call you.  If there's work and it's still during your shift, then you gotta work.  If it's outside your shift, don't work it.  When they're begging for help on the weekends?  Just don't.  And I know it hurts...you really really need the money you can get on the weekends.  I do understand.  But, if you keep this up like you're doing, pretty soon you won't have a life at all.  Nuance will own it.  Nuance probably already owns your life if you can make it only by scrambling for weekend work only. 

Again, good luck, stay strong, don't let them insult your integrity and skills, or let them drag you down. 

Its just the reality of this job, it s____s I know. I hope everyone who wants out is able to. - nm

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I told myself, too, that it was reality of the job - I even told other people

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it was just the "nature of the beast", but I've stopped believing that. As I said, I was at MedQuist for 10 years and went through most all of their growing pains with voice recognition. Probably, if I'd stayed just an itty bit longer, it would have gotten better. They were a great company to work for when I started with them. In fact, I owned my own MT service for 3 years before that and my 6 girls and I decided to join them as a group. MQ was a GOOD place. I also hear several people talk about how much better MQ is now than Nuance....

Anyway...as I was saying...I think this is Nuance's reality right now. They were never MT people. They didn't start out as a transcription business. Maybe, just maybe, once they get through their growing pains with voice recognition, it will change. But, I can't wait that long and I can't go through that again.

In summary, it's a reality, for sure. But it's Nuance reality, not mine. Not anymore.

Like you, I hope that everyone who wants out is able to do so, but if they stay, I hope things get better before they suck the life clear out of you.

I could've written this post...sm - LoveMT

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I work Tues through Saturday, normally... BUT for months (about 6 months) I worked EVERY single weekend because our account was so short-staffed. I was promised that it would only be for a few months, and those few months turned into another and then another and then another.

When someone was FINALLY hired and trained so that the account was at least staffed for the Sundays and Mondays, I got my regular Tuesday through Saturday schedule back. Prior to that the only days I had off were Tuesday and Wednesday (IF it wasn't so busy that they could do without me).

The VERY FIRST week that I was back in my regular schedule, when the Sunday rolled around, my phone started ringing... Yep, you guessed it, "can you please give us a few hours? We are really in dire straits, yada yada yada." You know, my very first thought was, "Why tell me I can go back to my regular schedule if you're just going to take it away from me before I even have a chance to enjoy ONE dang Sunday with my family?"

I love my TSM. She is really a fantastic person and very good at being a TSM, and so I agreed to help out for that Sunday... Then I was called the next Sunday, then the Monday, and it was like a rollercoaster.

I finally had enough when I realized I had been working something like 15 days in a row without a day off and AGAIN on a Sunday my phone rang and there was the question of the day (can you help us out today, even if it's only for a few hours?). I simply said, "no, I'm sorry. I'm burnt out and haven't had a day off in 15 days. I just can't do it anymore. I'm so tired that I don't even have the energy to spend time with my daughters." And I haven't been asked since, at least not outright with a phone call... Lots of hints, but never asked directly. :)

I have offered on occasion when I know that no one else is going to do it, because it is normally for nighttime hours. I like working nighttime hours, but most people prefer to work during the day. Now, I only offer when I need some extra cash to help pad for the days that are OOW or so slow I can't even make enough to equate minimum wage.

If I clock in and there is no work available, I am not checking back every 15 minutes. No one is paying me for babysitting my computer, and that is a fact. I find something else to do for a couple of hours and check back later. There is no way in hell that I am going to sit here and watch my computer screen so I can snatch the first job that shows up in the queue and then have to wait, wait, and wait for the next one. I feel like a vulture for crying out loud!

Nuance requires me to be an employee and requires me to work a set schedule, then they should be able to provide me with work to do DURING my set schedule. I'm not working outside my set schedule because someone higher up tells me I HAVE to. I'll do it if I FEEL like it or WANT to, but otherwise I'm working my hours and after that, Nuance doesn't exist until I have to come back and log onto my computer.

Six months and I am quitting this horrifying job that has turned into a waking nightmare. Six months is all I have to last for. If I didn't have bills to pay right now, I would have already told them where they could put this supposedly fantastic position and supposedly "competitive" pay rate...

I surely hope that the greedy corporate higher up people who are living the high life on our dime one day get knocked off and completely out of their dreamy world and into reality. I think a good dose of working in one of our positions for months on end without any time off and no money to have fun with might just teach them a lesson, and I think that the "incentive" for them should be that if they succeed at what we do and can produce a certain amount of lines in a certain amount of time, then they'll get ALL of their riches back, BUT if they can't, then oh well... They'll just have to keep grasping for that incentive to get back on easy street...just like they are trying to make us do by offering bonuses and devising some kind of stupid loophole that ensures we will never get it..

God sits high and looks low... They will get theirs in the end... In the meantime, I'm going to live happily ever after, even if I have to do it poverty stricken!

Precyse is better than Nuance. I didn't run out of work - every day. But. sm

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They will hound you to death over production and then they will attack you for having mistakes because they are hounding you to go faster...

The software literally stinks. It is so bad that every other software I have ever used is better, both in the sound quality and the actual word processing. On the two accounts I work with the sound quality was probably 20% as clear as what is produced by EditScript. You have to punch an ADP time clock, which I won't do, not if I work by the line.

I couldn't function under all those demands and handicaps and was only there 6 months, but if you can, they pay better than all the rest per line and the people I worked with were pretty good. Its just that constant prodding to go faster and then punishment for making mistakes because of going faster is a real problem. This propensity for companies to be slave drivers is really going to be their undoing. There aren't enough people who can produce 500 lph at 99% accuracy or people who are willing to sit in one place for a strict 8 hours and produce 350 lph day after day. That time clock got to be a real problem. Also, when they run out of work, they REQUIRE you to make up the hours. And they run out just enough that it digs into your time off.

Honestly, in my opinion, I believe Precyse will be one of the last companies that people still actually want to work for because with all its faults, its better than the rest. That's pretty bad.

Really, many accounts just need someone for the weekends, --sm - anon

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Hiring somebody who will also work during the week at all is just going to continue fighting for work on those days. On the accounts I work on, they seem to have gotten better about coverage on the weekends, now it is almost too good. Sunday and Monday used to be my favorite day because there was more work. Unfortunately that is no longer the case. They do need to enforce the rule of everybody needing to work one weekend day with the exception of the clinic accounts.

I can honestly say that it seems no matter what company I worked for, the staffing was never very good.

Low work or no work - on weekends

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may mean your account is being offshored, just weekends at first as a prelude to offshoring the whole thing. That is happening now in one Nuance region.

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