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Why is erroneous information filled in by QC? - sm

Posted: Feb 27, 2015

If a doctor says something that a third grader would know is nonsense and the MLS leaves a blank, why does the QC person fill it in? We're supposed to use critical thinking skills, but yet they fill in something stupid when it's blatantly wrong.

Then, we get an email with all kinds of information regarding normal laboratory values and we are supposed to use critical thinking skills for all that and determine when it is normal or abnormal.

Oh, I'm still waiting for my MD degree to come in the mail. Come on, higher ups at Nuance, get real. Please. If you want us to know this information, pay us for knowing it.

You are probably on an account that uses India - QC. I see the same thing on mine

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and cringe when I see some of the things they change, add, take out. I guess Nuance is in the business of paying for cheap junk these days.

Mine is done by American-sounding names. - SM

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Probably the same ones who are taking work away from me while I get OOW all week long and have done so every single week since the beginning of 2015 as well as going back as far as September 2014. This kind of nonsense is costing the company money, too. Who comes up with this crap? Doesn't it make more sense to pay less people good money and benefits than continue to have a revolving door and keep paying for all the extraneous expenses associated with that? Bunch of morons running this company right directly into the ground!

American sounding names - Disguise

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Like nail techs, they take on American names and this retched company probably wants that so you don't think it is India. This place is the pits and lower!
Yep, just like when you call the cable company - or credit card customer service
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And they say (in a THICK indian accent)...Hello, my name is Susan, how may I be of helping to you?" LOL

I always hate when I get an indian-speaking person...not because I don't like them, I'm sure the person is perfectly nice, BUT I can NEVER understand even ONE-THIRD of what they are saying and nothing gets done.

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