A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

amazing MQ perk - planetspinz

Posted: Mar 12, 2010

There's actually a benefit working for Medquist - incredible - I bought an Android phone through Sprint this week, and they looked up Medquist for a possible monthly discount - and my mouth dropped open - it's 25% off the monthly price - is that my 3 cents back I wondered (NOT). So if you have a cellphone find out if you can get the Medquist discount - and the dude in the store said this is for the life of the contract (I hope he's right)

Other "perks" - I now qualify for Lifeline phone - so sad

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service (only available to those with low income). Medquist also sent me a letter informing me about Earned Income Credit letting me know it is available.

To post above and post below! Are you sure - you are MT/QA?

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I tried that and it did not work for me. Was not on their special list even though I have been with this same company back in 1988. Only applied to 1 job and had 1 interview my whole life for an MT and all I get from this company is a slap across the face, 3 raises since 1988, and making me try to work for free.

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