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QA or QC or whatever filled in the following - blank

Posted: Jan 30, 2015

I had:  _______ ischemic changes.  I couldn't make out the word directly before (seriously slurring ESL).

The blank was filled in with "anicteric."  ????  Is there such a thing as anicteric ischemic changes?  I can't find reference this this anywhere. 

I want to make sure before I try to reverse this. 

blank - tootsie

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anicteric means without jaundice, good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease.

definitely ask for a re-listen and hopefully reversal. ALSO - trapped

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not only that, I've lately noticed QC judgment calls are deteriorating. In one of my jobs, I saw they actually replaced "restlessness" with "rustiness" !!!!! They didn't ding me for it, for some reason, but I'm certainly asking for a reversal anyway.

anicteric ischemic - rock bottom

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The way to research is to look up the words in a medical dictionary or encyclopedia either online or paper copy. You will find what each word means and realize that anicteric ischemic makes no sense at all.

However, that may have been dictated and if so, it should have been left blank.

I did already know what anicteric meant - which is why I blanked it

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So the big question now is: If the client catches that and they send it back (hence I get another audit) do I get busted for that or can they tell that it was filled in and that I blanked it? Sigh.......

when I get something like this, blank because it makes no sense - I leave the comment

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that the phrase makes no sense, just to CYA (cover your [my] @$$) and it goes through as a blank without being filled in. It CYA so they don't have to wonder "what was she thinking, its clear as a bell!!" We all know at this point, its probably even hard for them to think straight.

Also, the client sees it if you leave a remark, which I always do in cases like this, to CYA. I think that's why QA/QC leaves those alone, because the client can see the rationale of a blank on a clearly spoken, albeit incorrect word. Probably another reason N does not want us to make comments, they can't deduct a point from us if the client agrees!

OP said QA/QC filled it in. That is why she is questioning it. - nm

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QA or QC... - AnonQC

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No, there is no such thing. Totally guessing I would think "anterior."

If you sent it to the client with the blank, it was QA. If not, it was QC.

QA or QC, these are 2 different groups - AnonQC

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If she was able to send it to the client with a blank, QA filled it in post audit.

If she sent it for a 2nd listen before going to the client, QC filled it in.

Either way, it's obviously incorrect; I was just trying to clarify.

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