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Anyone get a contract from MedScribe . . . amazing! - amazed

Posted: May 09, 2013

I got a contract with this company and have never seen anything like it.  Their performance rating/expectations outline is the most condenscending, tryannical thing I have ever read.  I bet military rules are more lax than this company.  They give you a 12-hour window but then say you cannot leave your computer for more than 30 minutes 3 times a day.  Then even go on to explain you can't go to a party, grocery shopping, go to the gym, school event, social gathering, bake, play with your pet, take a nap, watch your favorite TV show, visit with unexpected company, talk on the phone, etc.  Literally they put that in writing for an independent contractor--HELLO?

how many lines required in 12 hours? - anon

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do you need 12 hours to meet your contract lines?

500 to 1000 per day--nm - amazed

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maybe the 30 minute rule forces you into a schedule as an IC - catgirl

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and they think they are being sly.

MedScribe - Nick

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Wow, it sounds like they have some issues with OCD or something. And they obviously have no idea what an IC is. I know several good attorneys who would be delighted to educate them! ;)-

Wish I was an attorney - neednewoccupation

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I bet I could make a fortune just from reading the stories on this site. I agree Medscribe definitely doesn't know what an IC is!

neednewoccupation - Nick

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How you do that is by going to law school. Come on in, the water's fine! :)
Nick - neednewoccupation
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Thanks for the invite. I'm a little old for the years it would take to become a lawyer, but have considered being a contractor doing records review for a medical liability firm.
neednewoccupation - Nick
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I'm not a young guy, but am far too young to retire, so law is my plan B now that MT is drying up. I think you might do very well as a medical paralegal--they make big bucks and it is not too long a course to get certified. Might be something to think about. In any event, good luck to you--and to all of us in this same leaky boat! ')-

which one? - sandy

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I just got a contract with MedScribe out of Indiana and there is no such wording in their contract. They do the 12 hours/500 lines and all they ask for is prior notification if you need time off unless there is an emergent situation.

Which one is this? There are 5 or 6 with that name plus a Medscribes and - MyMedScribe. NM

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The one that had an ad on here last month - amazed

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they are in New Albany, Indiana, but that's all of the address they put in their contract RED FLAG!

SEND IT TO THE I.R.S. - Been there, done that

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You don't need an attorney for this, you very simply contact the internal revenue service. They have very strict guidelines on what IS and ISN'T an independent contractor. You can go online to IRS.gov (I think is the correct website address) and download the independent contractor form and fill it out to see if by IRS guidelines you qualify under IRS guidelines as an independent contractor. If you do, then call the IRS, tell them what's going on with the company and the contract, and they will guide you as to what steps to take. I had to do that 12 years ago, and the IRS contacted the company.

Send them back YOUR contract - ICMT

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and make it as creative as theirs.

I'd consult the IRS and the Department of Labor. There are still federal laws in place regarding EMPLOYMENT. And they shot themselves in the foot with that one ever being construed as a contractor contract.

MT need to stand up and start submitting your own contracts instead of allowing these companies to do so.

Own contract - beenaroundawhile

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we definitely need to get a more organized attitude as MTs. As tight as my finances are I never let anyone take advantage of me, and that is just what most of these companies are doing. If they don't send me back a copy of the contract I signed for them with their signature on it too--I don't start working until they do. I always send an invoice of my line count, whether they want one or not. I always use a business signature on my e-mail conversations with them. I have sent many companies copies of the IRS rules--which basically is about who has control. I've been let go many times but each time I report them to the IRS and or DOL. They only get by with treating use poorly because we let them. No one can take you power away, you can only give it away. Stay strong!

beenaroundawhile - Old Pro

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You sound like a highly, intelligent, professional woman with lots of moxie. If I were still in business, I would hire you in a New York minute--and would pay you right and treat you right, too!

Just wait. Actually working for this company is even worse. They worry - about commas. Good luck.

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Just wait - MT

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How long have you been working there? Is it as controlling as their contract? What intrigues me is, if they want good MTs that are quality contractors why do they run them off with nitpicking nonsense--don't they just end up with the less dedictated MTs they are trying to weed out. It's the strangest bunch of rules I've ever encountered.

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