A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Amazing how this "huge hospital system that never runs out of work" has run out of work sm - fooled again

Posted: Aug 12, 2012

has run out of work yet again, from last night and still this morning.  Stupid me for believing the promises of a recruiter.   Frown

Recruiters are all alike, but what I still do not understand - sm

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and never will is WHY they keep hiring if they are already well, if not overstaffed???

If you have been an MT for a while, you know that August is slower than January sometimes. sm - Reality Check

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I don't know where you work, but 25+ years of experience tells me that it is always slow this time of year. It doesn't matter who you work for or which part of the country. It will get busy again in a few weeks.

So just how do they stop people from getting sick or injured - in August? This is crazy, ppl get SM

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ALL THE TIME. They dont put off getting sick/injured just because of the time of year.

Work directly for a major hospital and it is not slow at all - anonymousmt

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We are on mandatory overtime; have been for weeks.

work directly for a major hospital... - Faith

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Makes sense... these MTSOs are a joke for sure... the right hand has no clue what the left hand is doing most of the time and they offer absolutely no job security whatsoever...

BS - BeenThereMT

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Sickness takes no holiday.

These MTSOs are overhiring in order to keep TAT times tight. Some are also sending work to other smaller MTSOs to keep the work caught up. They want the work done almost as soon as it's dictated.

You can bet if MTs/Editors did not work off-site, but were employees like other industries, there would be plenty of work all the time. The MTSOs would be forced to better calculate the reports to MT ratio. They know they can get away with this behavior because the MTs are out of site and listed as ICs inappropriately.

I used to work in-house for three different hospitals (sm) - Been There Also

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at different times over the years and there was NEVER a slow-down in August. I'm not sure what is going on in this MTSO world but my guess would be contract renewal time or maybe end of the fiscal year. (In fact, August was the end of the fiscal year for one service that I worked for.) If they get everything super caught up, they look good on paper at the expense of the MTs who are running out of work because the accounts are so overstaffed.

Stop, RC. Don't drink that kool-aid..... - Another one believes the hype. nm

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Running on empty - buns

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Contracted for an MTSO a few years ago and my only account was for a hospital that handled all the trauma cases from a vast, remote region. Every summer for 2 weeks there would be almost no work. Eventually, they went from straight transcription with a great line rate and incentives to VR. It all started with a request for the transcriptionists to complete a mandatory survey with specific questions regarding production, expanders, etc. Things began to smell like rotten fish at that point. Within a short amount of time, the announcement was made how the company was going to save our hands and wrists and change to VR. The new platform was not compatible with what we had been working in so vast amounts of shortcuts were lost. We were told to pretend we were starting over, knowing full well that transcriptionists are able to earn money on an account because we have worked hard to develop shortcuts for particular doctors. We were somehow supposed to be thankful that our ability to be productive was reduced to being a newbie on the account. To add insult to injury, the owner did not mind sharing with us, through his mouthpiece, that he was not sure what the new pay scale would be. He was doing research on VR pay because he did not want to pay us too little or too much!!
Take care of yourself. If possible, keep yourself part time between several MTSOs so you have some options when work is dry, for whatever reason, and you can be more prepared for change when it comes along.

They probably didn't run out of work; the work was - most likely sent OFFSHORE. :(

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There IS some slow down in summer but not so much to run out of work - anon

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I have worked in house for 30 years and there most definitely IS a slow down in the summer months. This is due to people who plan vacations, have children home from school etc and thus delay surgeries/procedures during this time. It is maybe 10% to 20% (what we were told anyway, and I could observe decreased census numbers) because of course you still get accidents, emergencies, illnesses.

I don't think this should account for the drastic no work situation you are seeing though, IMO, it seems like even with this expected 10-20% decrease there should be work unless they over hired or sent it offshore. Good luck and I hope it picks up!

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