A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I have made an excellent decision for my own sanity...sm - LoveMT

Posted: Jul 27, 2013

I have thought about it, did some financial figuring for paying my bills, and researched different schools in my area that offer practcal nursing classes WITH the option to advance to R.N. once working and.... I AM QUITTING within the next 6-7 months.  I HATE HATE HATE NUANCE and everything it stands for, and I am tired of being kicked around and stolen from.

There have been SO many MLS quit from just my team, and I can promise you I am going to be the next one to go AS SOON AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.  If I find I can do it earlier than the next 6 months, then I'm going to do it sooner.  And you know what, I personally don't care if it "burns bridges" or whatever, I am not going to give Nuance the benefit of a 2-week notice.  I'm so sick of working my fingers to the bone, fretting about how I'm going to make it to the next paycheck, worrying about how I'm going to buy groceries when there's no work in my account during my schedule, and I'm REALLY sick of seeing the disappointment in my daughters' eyes when I have to skip something important to them because I'm "making up" lines and working outside my schedule because there wasn't any work WHEN I WAS SCHEDULED TO WORK!

I'M SICK AND TIRED OF BABYSITTING A COMPUTER AND NOT GETTING PAID FOR IT!  And all of this, just so I can pay bills while Mr. CEO is out enjoying life without a worry in the world because he has 37 million in the bank.  I hope that all of you who are suffering in this craphole of a job can find something else that will give you at least some satisfaction and appreciation for the hard work that you can provide.  Nuance is DEFINITELY not the employer that will EVER have that quality.

Gotta go ladies!  Once again, I'm working outside my schedule to "make up" for OOW situations during the week.  Every dog has his day, and Nuance will have theirs, and I hope they swirl around the rim and flush down just as quickly when it happens!

You go girl or guy - sm

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I plan to do the same when I figure out what I want to do when I grow up. (Keep in mind I am in my 50s). I have been dong this line of work for 15-16 years used to love it, not so much anymore!!!

Sister, I'm not much younger than you...sm - LoveMT

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I'm 46, and I too have been doing this for 16 years. I still very much love the medical field, but NOT what the transcription industry has turned into, especially with Nuance at the controls!

I have never despised a job so much in my entire life, EVER! In the back of my mind, I keep myeslf going by thinking up ways I could teach the 37 million dollar CEO of this company a lesson... Like if I win the lottery, I could buy his company and then hire him, send him to India, and make him work 10 hours a day for 2 cents a line, and of course I'd have to "grade" his work for months until he becomes "proficient" in his profession, and he would NEVER get any kind of raise or bonus... That's just one scenario I've managed to cook up in all those spare minutes I have here lately while staring at a screen that's OOW.

I have a nurse friend who went actually finished up her nursing degree well into her 60s, and she has been a nurse now for more than 10 years and is STILL working full time! If she can do it, then so can I! I will NEVER EVER allow myself to become trapped in a position such as Nuance has put me in. Never ever again.

I played fair. I gave it a chance after Transcend was bought out by Nuance. At first, I was just okay with it, not unhappy, but not ecstatic either. NOW, however, I can't run away fast enough. Too many changes, and WAY too many things being taken away instead of being given to help us...

Someday the man who runs Nuance and has his hand in making all of these ridiculous sweatshop policies and salaries will have to meet his maker. I hope he isn't disappointed when he finds that there are some things that money can't buy!

Ask yourself this - Not Nuance

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Do you want to work as a nurse when you are 70? To me that sounds like a different kind of trap. Just because your friend does it does not mean that you have to do it too. You won't be making 37 million regardless of what you do; I don't understand what the CEOs salary has to do with any of this. I work for doctors but don't expect to be paid the same as them. My manager makes more money than I do and so do the administrators. That has nothing to do with me because we do different things. I couldn't do their job but I would never expect them to do mine to "teach them a lesson," I don't understand the logic.
At least nurses get paid for their work. And health - insurance. And vacations. And at least - sm
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when a nurse tells someone that's what her job is, that person knows what it is. The MT profession has been swept so far under the rug, very few people even know what it is. Heck - there are probably even nurses who don't know what medical transcription is. No wonder this was a profession that was so easy for these scumbags to exploit.
Exactly!! ....sm - LoveMT
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The moniker "Not Nuance" is why he/she "doesn't understand the logic". He/she obviously doesn't work for Nuance, probably doesn't even work under the awful conditions many of us at Nuance are working under. Hasn't got a clue as to why I used the CEO and his 37 million dollars as an example or why I'd like to "teach him a lesson". Really, I'd just like him to wake up one day and not have ANY money and I'd really like him to be an MT and work for Nuance (or any other MTSO with the same "policies" for MTs employed with them).

Right now, I could care less if someone thinks that Nuance is the best place in the world to work. Right now, I only care about how I'm going to better myself and get away from the nightmare that medical transcription has become. I thoroughly LOVED transcription from the day I started school. I had a true honest hunger for more and more knowledge in this field, but now it's nothing more than a nightmare and it's not just the pay that makes it a nightmare for me.
Not Nuance....sm - LoveMT
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I don't know what part of my post said that I wanted to make 37 million dollars or that I "expected" to be paid the same salary as my manager or my doctor. Either you misunderstood my venting post or you simply don't understand because you don't work for Nuance. I DO expect to be paid what I'm worth, and I'm definitely worth much more than $7/hr.

I really don't care what my TSM makes nor do I "expect" to be paid on the same level as her. I don't "expect" to be paid a salary comparable to what my doctor makes either. What I "expect" is to be treated with respect, paid a wage that reflects my skill, education, and experience in THIS field.

My expectations aren't that difficult to understand. You don't understand what the CEO and his 37 million has to do with it? It has EVERYTHING to do with it (for me) because instead of my wage reflecting my skill, experience, and education, I am now making less than what I was making BEFORE I even trained to become a transcriptionist and my "employer" has the financial means to improve the working conditions for me and my fellow co-workers without even blinking an eye...yet, he continues to make ridiculous policies, cut our per line rates, send our work overseas leaving us with little or no work, demand that we work outside of our "regularly scheduled" hours but only when things are OTAT, demand that we work ONLY during our "regularly scheduled" hours, demand that we babysit our computers and check every 15 minutes when there's no work but refuses to pay for the time we spend babysitting the computer for work, and there are many, many other things that I could list... But you would never understand why I feel the way I do because you are "NOT Nuance"....
Wow. You don't see why we all feel some resentment sm - Wait, whut?
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at seeing our jobs go from $25 an hour to half that in just about 3 years, while the CEO makes tens of millions? You really don't see the inherent unfairness in that? Well, it doesn't matter I guess. Because people will do what they have always done. They will evolve. Some like me are already halfway out of MT and I take my 20 years experience with me. Eventually, there will be a dearth of people who have the intelligence to accurately learn and do MT, and who are willing to work for minimum wage. I'd like to see that happen before EHR takes over so that all the CEOs and the awful greedy bastards take a financial hit, just like we have. Fair is fair. People will only take abuse for a while. Then, in all cases, its fight or flight.
it's about reason and fairness - LG
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It's not a matter of trying to do someone else's job - it's a matter of being paid fairly for what you do and being respected for what you do. In no other industry would the way MT's are treated by these companies be tolerated. I am getting out of MT as soon as possible as well - I am in court reporting school!

This is exactly what I did about a year ago. I've been - taking prerequisites sm

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and now I'm down to my last 2 semesters and in May I can apply to a nursing program. I'll end up with an A.S. in nursing and an R.N. It meshes brilliantly with MT because I don't really want to work in a hospital, that level of critically ill patients. I want to work in a clinic/office, M-F, 8-5. In my area, the hospitals hire nurses with a 4-year degree and clinics/docs are hiring the 2-year degrees in an office scribe/medical assistant type of role.

I am in your exact situation still but now I don't care. During those hours of no work, I have a textbook open and I study. I barely make enough to survive but at least I believe I'm moving in the right direction which is far, far away from MT. I literally cannot wait to work by the hour again.

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