A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Excellent resource for taking tests for MTSOs - sm

Posted: Aug 18, 2014

I took a test for an MTSO last week that required extensive knowledge of prefixes, roots, and suffixes.  I found an online resource that resulted in my getting 100% on all 4 sections of the test.  I have to admit that I knew probably 75% of them, but this resource helped me pass all of the tests. 


However, I haven't heard anything from the company other than "Congratulations!  You passed all 4 tests 100%!"  No actual transcribing test yet. 

Interesting! - Thanks for sharing

[ In Reply To ..]
Very nice resource. Hopefully my MT career will soon be over, but I bookmarked the site anyway because, at heart, I'm still just a word geek. :)

We are never too old to learn. - OP

[ In Reply To ..]
I love discovering something new, and this was (and will be) the perfect tool!

Resources - Kitty lady

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This is all stuff that I learned when I became an MT 14 years ago. As an MT we should be familiar with prefixes and suffixes. Good refresher though.

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