A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

University of New Mexico Hospital stands by their decision to outsource - followup

Posted: Jun 14, 2013

In followup to this post 


This KRQE news story 


UNM Hospital needs to think about the the income tax dollars not going to the federal govt with these MTs losing their jobs (or if these MTs go with Nuance - the REDUCED income tax dollars) that their decision has caused. Also the reduced sales tax revenue. And loss of medical insurance.  It has been said that outsourcing is good for our economy because it makes businesses more profitable - but at what cost to all of the American people regarding a livable wage, work availability and the threat of dunning pay for submitting to QA? 

I am very sorry this is happening to these nice people - sm

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Advice to those at UNM: Don't take the job with Nuance. FYI, Nuance says their quality is 99%. I don't know what planet they are from, but that is not true. That is what they PROFESS and allow others to see. It is so far from the truth. In fact, it is probably below the 98% that you currently maintain. If you have ever edited offshore's (India) work, and I have, you would be appalled and disgusted at what this company turns out. Unfortunately, offshore puts out the most work for the cheapest amount. Contrary to what Nuance says, the quality is not 99% and there is no way it ever could be, as the woman in this article stated. That is impossible. I'm sad that so many administrators are hoodwinked by this smooth-talking, snake-in-the-grass company. I hope that none of you allow yourselves to be taken for a fool by them. Mark my words, you will regret taking a job with Nuance.

I sincerely hope you are all able to make a better decision for yourself and I hope that you all have other options. I'm here to tell you, I wish that I had been warned before I went with Nuance and almost lost my house and my self-respect. I no longer work there, but it took me the better part of a year to get out and that was actively looking. I can't tell you how unhappy I was there. I just can't even begin to express it. My pay was cut in half and even less than half. My production (which they promised would go up because they have such a WONDERFUL platform) in fact, went down. It was just a terrible place to be. Read this board and considered yourself forewarned.

I agree with you 100% - DO NOT GO WITH NUANCE. - mt2

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You will be sorry. I can't wait to get out.

Is Acusis another name for Nuance? - no message below

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H h :)
No... - Acusis is another exploiter
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just not the same one, not as big.

Nuance says all work will be handled within the US - BS - sm

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Total and complete BS. I just finished watching the video provided in the link. Hey, Mr. , sorry to break it to you, but you've been had, but then again, you probably don't care if your hospital's records are completed by offshore workers, because you saved a whopping 500,000. I'm nauseous. Oh, and FYI, if it seems too good to be true (99% accuracy! 500,000 saved on expenditures!) it probably is. I guess you'll have to learn the hard way like all of Nuance's victims eventually do.

This bean counter - is full of

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These bean counters come up with figures that are so out of touch.

And 's statement, "If in fact we don't make the change, there will come a time when therer just won't be work left for these people, and they won't have the opportunity to go to another employer." What? "these people" are your loyal employees. And "opportunity to go to another employer" ?? These MTs have the right to unemployment insurance benefits, since they are losing their jobs thru no fault of their own.

What is horrible is that these MTs are gone in weeks without severance pay and will actually be expected to get all the dictation completed the day before the transition to an outside service, if you can believe that.

Oh it will be handled in the US - for a while

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Until we get them all caught up and running smoothly, then they will start offshoring at night and weekends and then the whole thing will be gone, gone, gone.

That's very true. - SM

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They have to keep you on the edge or your seat at all times. One day, suddenly, all the work was gone. When I asked what happened, I was told it went to India. When I asked why didn't someone put out an E-mail to warn us, I was told that they didn't want to alarm anyone. Translation: They didn't want to give us time to find other jobs.
india - kt16
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It's just a dead horse. Can't waste time beating it. Hospitals don't care, doctors (most) dont even read their reports. Who is hurt? Patients. But no one will admit that. I tell everyone: demand to see your hospital records and force them to make corrections or the mistakes will follow you.

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