A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Someone made - a ridiculous

Posted: Oct 13, 2012

comment about only unions being able to organize a strike.  That just leaves everybody else powerless and without resource?  No.

Leave, call in sick, take all day to do one report, send jobs through without editing, walk off, stop work.  Plan ahead for you next job, and that's a smart thing to do, obviously.  In the meantime, walk off anyways.

Massive oppression requires massive action.

Being ignored requires we do something loud to be heard.

They have already hit us where it hurts the most, our wallets.  Let's hurt theirs.

no thanks. NM - anon

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I totally agree with your attitude and frustration. - But to be effective, we need

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to be organized on a large enough scale so that taking the steps you outline have an impact. By ourselves, these actions will have no impact, and we can't depend on everyone else to just say they will. It needs to be through an organized forum where we can be assured of mass participation. If there is another way to accomplish that kind of nation-wide organization other than unionizing, I'm all for it. Whatever will accomplish the necessary organization to ensure collective participation. Then, by all means, flat out refuse to show up or do the work or whatever the remedy is that has been collectively agreed upon.

This is definitely not the best forum - because of who owns

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it and the mgt who routinely hang out here. A walk out does not need to be unionized. I am not sure a union would help us. Recently MT's at a unionized hospital still had their cpl slashed.

I have tried other means to get people interested, and there is such a lockdown. Everyone is so afraid of losing their jobs, and not to beat a dead horse, when they have already lost their jobs but still show up...

I agree, it is a tough nut to crack, but so was - that of Gandhi and others.

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Not presuming to compare the plight of MT with that of Gandhi, only the principle of continuing to battle for what is fair despite the opposers and naysayers.

The MTs in the hospital you mention almost certainly did not have the support of most of the rest of the hospital employees and probably none at all outside of themselves, and even if they did, all the hospital would have had to do was outsource the transcription until they could replace the rebelious MTs with new personnel. They were virtually powerless as are the rest of us at this point. However, the hospital would not have had that option available to it if all MTs in house and out were committed to standing together in support of one another.

As far as the effectiveness of this forum is concerned, I personally just view it as a place to try and stir the pot so to speak so as to generate in those who have not already given up more of a desire to do something. If an avenue for taking action actually comes to fruition, it would need to be handled more privately, especially at first, in order to lay some ground work for moving forward. If we ever get there, that is.
Oh we will - get
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there, which is what scares the **** out of some people on this forum.
MTSOs aren't scared. What's scary is... - sm
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how MTSOs are forcing us out, and as a result, forcing clients to accept the poor quality produced by the Indian MTs and VR because there won't be enough qualified American MTs left.

MTSOs are laughing at us every time they go to the bank.
And exactly why - as one poster put it
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"Warrior" princess/prince MTs are taking action.

They wont start crying on the way to the bank instead of laughing on the way there until they get the message in such a way as to be painful to their wallets as a 2nd poster put it.

Succinctly said - very good

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MT CO-OP - Annie

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This would have to be very carefully planned and organized on a separate forum. At this point, I'm in if there are enough people to make a difference.

I like the idea of an MT Co-op, an organization run by MTs for MTs. No middle person. We would need some experienced leaders and tech savvy people familiar with the various platforms and compatibility with free platforms for MT use. I visualize this being a database listing available MTs, their experience, availability, pay requirements and contact info. I can see a group run by MTs could streamline operations to make a profit with simple changes such as turning down the bad dictators who would result in no profits or charge them up to twice as much if they take twice as long. We would require FAIR compensation for both transcription and editing based on fair wage we made as ICs and hospital employees based on the time a job takes to do. At the same time, we would have to be competitive when it comes to turnaround time and that is one of the tricky areas. The fact that there are far more good experienced MTs than there are jobs would probably allow competitive TAT if we had enough members.

We have discussed this concept before and no one has stepped up to offer to lead such a group. Perhaps a board could be assembled to brainstorm an MT Co-op. I could see it starting out as just a referral service that could grow into something more.

I agree, this could be a viable alternative. - See message

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You also hit on what I have always felt was the key to most of the problems with MT, i.e., bad dictation. Bad dictators hurt TAT, drive the cost up for the client, kill the productivity for the MTSO and the MT and hence company profitability and the MTs ability to earn a living wage, and jeopardize patient healthcare. I have always thought that an approach to charging a premium to do that dictation would be a good idea, but how we charge for the service would have to be presented as a price break for the good dictators rather than as a penalty for the bad ones. I have some thoughts on TAT, too.

Perhaps we should talk. Shoot me an e-mail, and we can brainstorm a little. I have 23 years experience and have some ideas on how this could work, including how to fund tech support.

Absolutely. - Love this.

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I have lived in cohousing, belong to the food co-op for years. I have always wanted MTs to form cooperatives. My brain get so fried sometimes I can no longer think clearly. Thank you for writing this.

I am only surviving because I have been living off savings. I have reeducated myself in two areas, certificate, even a professional license, and started a couple of home businesses, but not much is happening, although yesterday someone called me all excited because he found my business card and he said he would call Monday to set up an appointment. He did have his schedule in front of him when he called.

I hate what is happening in MT, and even if I were to leave, I don't feel like leaving my peeps behind.

And just who would edit the reports to keep the clients? - anon

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Please let me know of a qualified MT who can send in reports directly to the client, as I have not been able to find one in over 7 years. I am talking basic terminology and punctuation-let alone following even 3 basic instructions (I am not kidding you. It has come down to that). Clients are a dime a dozen.... finding somebody to transcribe a quality document is the problem... This is the reason why the MTSOs are paying less (besides the client paying less). They have to cover the costs for QA to go behind them, which was never the case 10 years ago. We were expected to turn in client-ready work.

MT CO-OP - anon

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This is how it is in the real world. I live in one of the most expensive cities in the United States. I have my own clients and know most of them personally as well as speak with potential new clients and physicians who treat me. At tops for quality work (and I have a longstanding relationship and am anal about quality work right down to the very comma), they will only go to 10 cpl. Then, you have to pay for dictation systems, phone lines, etc. Since the average transcriptionist wants 8 cpl (and that is just for their rough drafts), and it costs more than 2 cpl for dictation systems and phone lines (not including all other business equipment, software, reference materials, etc.), just where do you see the profit? That transcriptionist you hired has to have her report edited completely 100% to voice.

Unfortunately, this seems to be thought up by transcriptionists probably working for nationals not knowing how it really is out there. I see a lot of posters (including those who have worked for me) stating "quality work" when I have received back reports with male instead of female/vice versua, incorrect medications and doses, incorrect patient data, etc., and even to my horror part of an orthopedic sample pasted into a breast cancer/mastectomy report (and watched her take 5 hours on it, using the phone lines). I have even had to hire other service owners, paying them more than the actual client pays me, so you can see the problem here. The list goes on to include dictation that does not even come close to what was dictated. Clients pay a LOT LESS THAN YOU THINK. Oh, and for this CO OP, who is going to obtain the clients and absorb that cost?

It would really be nice, this CO OP, but in reality, it is not possible.

The answer to the low pay is more education and implementing this as well as a solid foundation to begin with. It is really sad to see work turned in without even 3rd grade grammar used and other mistakes. The money paid out to QA should be paid to us transcriptionists who can turn in client-ready work, as it used to be in the past.

Reality check - Former MT

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Regardless of what you imply, most people still do transcription in order to keep a roof over their head and food on the table. Your employer will find a way to get the work done without you and not even bat an eye. Not only is their foreign competition for MT jobs, but domestic MTs are lined up waiting to take your job. A lesson I learned in the working world a long time ago is that no one is dispensible. Taking all day to do one job only hurts you, unless you don't need to get paid. Sending jobs through without editing will probably only hurt you as well as you'll be placed on 100% QA and may get you fired, but it sounds as if that is what you want anyway. Follow your own advice and plan ahead for your next job or just quit, it is obvious that you are miserable. In the future, you may want to ask your fellow MTs if they want to strike before assuming that everyone shares your point of view and telling them what they should do.

It doesn't take a massive effort - it's called YouTube - wheres_my_job

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Time and again, *one person* with *one video* has garnered tons of attention. Where is that one MT? Are you that one MT? You don't even have to produce a quality video - just something that catches people's attention, and you go viral. Think about it. It could be a video with FIVE MTs in it - talking about their experiences in a powerful way - could be sad, could be hilarious, could be intellectual, could be angry - or all of the above.

Five MTs - that could even be the name of the video. Think about it. We've got five MTs don't we? Wanna go on camera? Or hide your face, like you're testifying against organized crime. Cause in a way, you are, aren't you?

So when are we going to see this video you are gonna make? - Cause it is such a good idea, hop on it. nm

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personally, I love the idea - and think someone should do it

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Excellent idea. Better than NO IDEA.
SOMEbody is always going to put down an idea, whether it is good or bad - anon
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doesn't matter. too bad too, because somebody always thinks they know everything about everything, and any idea put out there is just "doomed to failure."
Just use your camera and make your own video - wheres_my_job
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my old camera lets you record video. An iPhone, same thing. Probably lots of us have the technology right at home to make our own videos. I've made videos. It's super easy. All we need to do is put 5-6 videos of separate MT's videos together, edit them, not hard, add title page and maybe some music where appropriate (sure why not) to have a short piece ready for YouTube. Super easy. We can intersperse VSR bloopers with the more serious stuff. Maybe we'd get on the David Lettermen show, or Ellen Degeneres - call us the MT Five. Sort of like when they had the women's gymnastics team on all at once, on a talk show, it could be 5 or 7 or 12 of us long-suffering screwed-over MTs - can't you just see Jay Leno doing the ASR bloopers on his show?

C'mon people, let's make it happen!
We could videotape ourselves and piece it - together before loading it on YouTube
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I think it is a very good idea. I would be willing to share and videotape my story. Do you read your email? The one you set up for this forum? Need to get in touch. I can videotape my old paychecks. I saved them. They just have some teardrops on them.
Yes, I read my emails from MTStars - wheres_my_job
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get in touch!

what makes you think I haven't already made videos? - wheres_my_job

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don't assume anything :)
Then put your money where your mouth is. - Post those videos nm
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I have - wheres_my_job
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?? - actually, I think it should be, "put your lack of money where your mouth is" - 'cause that's the MT situation right there.

I didn't read this as sarcastic. It is a - good idea. - nm

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SO GO DO IT ALREADY. wmj, seems you don't need help - from us. just go

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beat that dead horse on U-tube.

I already have - wheres_my_job

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I have already done it. Would be great if 5 or so other MTs did too, so we could have a whole film, maybe 10 minutes long. Everybody would just have to contribute 2 minutes of video (well, make it 4, so we can edit it down to the best parts).

Everyone needs help - no MT is an island (although the MTSOs would have us believe it).

I'm not out to prove anything. good luck to you. - nm
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So if I wanted to watch your video - just another MT
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how would I find it?

I searched on you tube for: wheres my job, unhappy (also disgruntled under another search) medical transcriptionists, and medical transcription. Nothing came up that I would consider relevant to what you have said you've done.
unhappy? disgruntled? not my style... - wheres_my_job
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I'm curious...why do you want to watch my video? Or our videos, if I end up collaborating with a few other MTs...?
You repeatedly say you've posted a vid & then you're - shocked people want to watch it?
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I don't believe you've made the video for one second.

This is a really junior-high thing to do... "I did ___. No really! I did!! What? You want proof? Why?? You don't believe me?? I did it!! I don't have to prove it to you! I did it - if you don't believe me, go suck an egg."

Thanks, but I'll just talk to my teenage daughter if I want that kind of drama.
Funny...I have made two videos - wheres_my_job
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I said I was "curious," not "shocked"...if I believed someone was merely "disgruntled" or "unhappy," I wouldn't bother looking for a video they had made...so I just wondered why, if someone felt that way, they'd bother to go looking for it.

So are you going to post a link to this purported - video or ,,,,? /nm
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"send jobs through without editing" - please see message

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No matter how you feel about your job, sending a job through without editing could compromise patient care. Not cool.

If you want to call in sick, walk, off or stop work - that's completely up to you. Go for it. But to knowingly send a job through that has not been typed or edited accuratey crosses the line.

Question for the OP. sm - anon

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Are you a working MT, retired, in another line of work, or ? Just curious how you could afford to take a day off work. What in the world would 5 or 10 MTs accomplish by walking off their jobs? That is not even a spit in the bucket. This link says there were 105,000 MTs in the USA in 2008. Probably a lot less now I would guess. Nobody understands or cares about MTs, but MTs. You all would be better off trying to hook up with a union, but you will need a lot of MTs to join up. This forum has, what, 200 viewers at a time? That is not going to do it. Just my opinion. I'm semi-retiring early (because I need the extra money). Sure cannot afford to lose even one day's pay. Don't forget if you walk off, you have to actually tell your employer why, otherwise what exactly is the point? It seems like an exercise in futility. I take my job seriously, even though the pay is crummy these days. I would never make an error on purpose or send through a report without editing it....NEVER! I take pride in my work.

You don't make sense.


Here's the difference - anon

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Members of a union can go on strike and be protected, as in they can come back to their jobs once the strike is over.

If non-union persons go on strike, there is no such protection for those people.

So strike if you must, but realize there will be no protection for you and you may very well be out of a job.

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