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How long does it take Nuance to convert platforms to their methods on companies and accounts acquire - scared of change

Posted: Sep 24, 2013

My company was acquired by Nuance a few months back and so far the only thing that has changed has been e-mail addresses.  Paystubs even still reflect our original company name.  Will they keep our proprietary platform or make us change to eScription soon?  Also, we're all ICs.  Does anyone know if we will be required to become Nuance employees at the first of the year? 

It all depends on the account. - Alicia

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Our hospital went to Nuance and we now have Power Scribe. I was an IC with Nuance for about 1-1/2 yrs. They don't hire ICs as a rule, kept me and a few former employees from the hospital as ICs, and then didn't renew our contracts after it was apparent the transition was going to take a long tie. It took a long time due to the demands and special requests of the physicians as well as some interface glitches. They told me I could apply for my job as an employee, which I did not do.

I don't know, but the fact that you have to ask here - SM

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speaks volumes on just how in the dark they like to keep you here at Nuisance.

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