A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Nuance - one of the better companies IMHO - ...and this you will find strange...

Posted: Sep 21, 2012

Why would anyone praise a company that just terminated them?  Why no bitter recriminations?

Well, because it was my fault - that's why.  I had told the company when I was hired that I would be unavailable for a part of the summer due to some obligations that I had already undertaken.  I was away for about 2+ weeks, thinking nothing much about it, and when I came back found that I couldn't log on, etc.

I hadn't received any communication from the company, so I checked with HR and found out that I'd been terminated for "job abandonment".  There was a procedure that I was supposed to have followed - and it was MY FAULT that for whatever reason I wasn't aware of it. 

A lesson for all of us, right?  I've never "abandoned" a job in my life - and obviously had no intention of doing so.  Do I wish they had taken some less drastic disciplinary action?  Sure, but on the other hand I'm not trying to manage hundreds of MTs, either.

Here's what I want to get across, since we usually hear nothing but the rotten side of the companies in our industry.  I admire the way this company is run, and had great supervisors.  The platform that I used (I think they have a couple, and I was on EditScript) has a bit of a learning curve, but I found it to be very productive.

The testing, application and hiring process was sophisticated and smooth.  Ditto, installation of the software on my computer by the tech people, and the training.

Here's something else with Nuance:  ACCESS TO SAMPLES!  You can go into their database, enter the name of a doctor OR a patient, add filters like worktype and date ranges, and solve lots of dictation ambiguities by seeing previously transcribed reports.

I see that Nuance is advertising.  For the first and ONLY time on any public forum, I recommend that you give them a look.

There's only one complaint I had, but it applies to all companies as far as I know.  You'll get some SR documents that are very good, but sometimes you'll get documents that are bad enough that you really have no choice but to re-transcribe them.  Unfortunately, you'll be paid SR line rates when this happens, and I think that ALL companies using SR should consider the unfairness of this and arrange to pay people full transcribing rates when this kind of thing occurs.  It's not a "Nuance thing".


PS - I should mention QA as well... - sm

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Just like with every other company out there, I've read complaints on this forum about QA.

I know that what I'm about to say comes from someone with many years of experience and (please don't think I'm boasting) excellent skills. I know how to research terms. I know how to resolve most ambiguities. I know the BOS standards.

...and I had none of the difficulties with QA that some have mentioned here. There was one occasion on which there was some difference of opinion (and folks, those things CAN HAPPEN because there's always going to be a bit of "art" as well as "science" in this business). However, I had every opportunity to state my position, support it, and the error was reconsidered.

I won't tell you how it came out, because it wasn't about "me winning", and it doesn't matter. What matters is that my response was given objective consideration, and no one in QA took it personally.

Nor did I find myself drowning in conflicting QA messages - where something is "right" one day (or with one QA reviewer) and "wrong" the next.

It's natural - and unavoidable - that from time to time two different QA people will see something a bit differently. If the quibble involves a minor error, I'd suggest that you take it in stride and let it go. Stuff happens. If it involves a critical or major error, then follow up on it. It's actually helpful to the folks in QA for these things to be brought to their attention, and I never ran across anyone in Nuance QA who seemed to have a "personal thing" going on.

Question - color me confused

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How long did you actually work for Nuance? I am confused by your post and why you are trying to discredit what other employees of Nuance have said on this forum. I think it is very clear that one's experience at Nuance or any other company depends on your particular manager, account, QA people assigned to your account, etc. It is great that you had a good experience even though you were eventually terminated. I don't understand why you don't seem to realize that other people at Nuance have not had a good experience and are just venting their frustration and/or seeking help/comraderie from other MTs who have experienced the same thing. Just because someone's experience is different than yours does not mean that their experience is less valid or less valuable than your own.

I didn't "discredit" anyone whatsoever. I merely recounted - my experience with the company.

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I've stumbled around the block a few times, and I know what it's like when the ONLY thing you can find online are gripes and complaints.

I'm experiencing this right now, in fact, as I try to find a new company to work for. Try to find one that the bad:good posting ratio isn't about a million to one.

And then - when people do find a good company to work for? Well, they refuse to name it because they think someone's going to take their job!

I also know that we never get both sides of the story, and that there are plenty of gripes from people who contribute to their own problems with an employer - but they don't mention any of that when they come here and run down the company.

Was I happy with how this turned out for me? Of course not! But I thought it might be helpful if I gave a fair accounting of both sides of the story. It must be very difficult to manage large numbers of MTs, and I have no right to expect that I should be treated any differently from some people who actually DO abandon their jobs.

My post was intended to help people who might be considering the help-wanted ad that Nuance has on the forum simply by recounting my experience and my impressions of the company in a fair and honest way.

If you work for the company and you're not happy I'm sorry for you, but in no way am I expressing anything other than my own view. You, of course, are perfectly free to express yours.

Confused by positive Nuance post - veryoldMT

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In my absolutely honest opinion - and this is relative to ANY company - if you take a job and expect to find trouble with your manager, account, etc, as referenced in the "color me confused" note, then you will have problems. If you take as reality all the negative posts on this forum for any account, you will undoubtedly have a negative experience. If you begin a job with an open mind, are interested in learning the account, the specifics, doing your best and complying with the client's wishes, you will do well. It is so easy to blame everyone else. If you are a lazy MT, of course QA is going to find mistakes. If you are a less than experienced MT, yes, there will be errors. If you don't look at fiesa for your feedback, you will never, ever progress in your job. It is not so much about the company but about you, as an MT. No one is going to succeed at anything if their attitude is negative going in. That's just common sense, something I see a lot of MTs don't have or don't want to have. So easy to blame everything else than take responsibility for your weaknesses. I AM NOT A SUIT. I have been in the industry for a very long time, much longer than some of you have been alive, and I have seen many changes, some good, some not so good. But attitude and willing to learn are so important in this field, without those attributes you cannot do anything but fail, no matter which company you work for.
You said what's needed to be said for a while now. Thanks for posting! - Des
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confused - new but old
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Thanks for your post - I am fairly new to Nuance and no it is not ideal but then again what is - I do my best every day and I go over my FIESA daily so I can learn from my mistakes. I do find errors on their side and so far have had no problems in getting them reversed when brought to their attention. I do think they are a little heavy handed sometimes in the QA - I came from Medquist and definitely at least 50% of things I get marked off for would never have gotten a second look from QA at Medquist so it is an adjustment for me but Nuance has really worked with me in trying to help. No job is perfect but neither am I.

Refreshing to read a level-headed, sane post. - see message

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Thank you for your display of professionalism.

Wishing you luck in your next endeavor.

Refreshing post - sugarbabyMT

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I, too, believe that a great supervisor and team make a world of difference. I have had, for the most part, a positive experience with Nuance, and I do wish that everyone could enjoy that. No company is perfect, and it is nice to see positive posts from time-to-time.

How many MTSOs have you worked for? nm - anon

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ditto, what say you - n/m

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With buyouts, it's a little difficult to know how to count - but basically five, plus my own accounts.

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Not sure if company A being purchased by company B counts as one or two.

Let's put it this way: I have over 15 years of experience, and I think I know what I'm talking about.

As a Nuance employee - RC

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I am sad to hear you recommend the company to anyone.

For me, no $500 bonus is worth telling someone "yeah,it's a fair job," only to have them discover they're nearly making minimum wage.


my opinion - sm

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I left this place and I cannot be more happier right now. I work for a company now who keep a close eye on their QA to make sure they are not acting Nazi like according to my manager and wont be tolerated. Thats such a refreshing change!! They are a straight transcription company and the money is great compared to working for this joke of a company for three years at minimum wage. Seems straight transcription is coming back in a big way too IMO.

could we hope for a comeback? - We have one very valuable commodity

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It's called critical thinking that comes from years of exposure to the medical environment, drugs, different specialties, etc. It's nothing you can teach in a medical terminology course or "understanding American accent" seminars.
You are so - RIGHT ON!
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This is where Nuance fails miserably by taking medical transcriptionists for granted. To think too that these newbies get the same pay for doing this when they haven't even barely scratched the surface yet with building their medical vocabulary is something else. Very unfair. That's why I'm gone from this place.

I agree with everything you said - sm

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I have been with Nuance 2+ years. I make much more than minimum wage. I am not nit-picked by QC. I like my team lead. I never run out of work. I get my bonus every pay period.

A word of advice... - Astonished

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The next time you take a job and make an agreement with HR upon hiring that you will take a certain block of time off make sure you inform your TL ASAP the first week of your employment and again a couple of weeks prior to the dates off as a reminder. Don't count on your recruiter or HR to do that.

RE Nuance - one of the better companies... - MT49

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I wished I could have read your post a few weeks back. I was offered a part-time job with Nuance and declined because I could not find a positive post on the board about Nuance. I was hoping to find someone who was happy working for them, or at least something neutral about the company. Maybe I should have given the benefit of the doubt, but from what I read, I did not want to take any chances. Job satisfaction is extremely hard to come by in this industry anymore.

You were correct by not taking the job. nuff said. nm - MT

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