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So long Nuance. Just worked my last shift. - Will NOT be back Sunday shift. Ex-QC

Posted: May 14, 2015

It's been real.

Congratulations! - Happy for you! nm

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Good luck. Right behind ya. Interviewed today and - recruiter said a mass of Nuance applicants this we

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Stick that on your grid, Nuance!

Me three, looking now for QC/QA work elsewhere. - SoonToBeExQC

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Just curious, where are people applying? I was looking at Amphion.

I really think this new QC thing is a way to get rid of us to make room for new Indian workers. Congrats, Nuance, you'll get what you pay for.

Going back to MT. Had enough QA to last - me a lifetime. Off to make more money.

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Good luck all!

I knew there was a reason my TSM announced - a "pilot program"

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wherein they were "testing" for a month allowing certain MTs to bypass QC and send any amount of blanks to the client. He said only MTs who always met the metrics could do this (I have mostly but NOT always met them lol). So, I have a strong feeling maybe the real reason is that they don't have enough QC's as they are all leaving so they want us to send everything on through! Good going Nuance. Dorks.

Well, that fits in with everything else - SoonToBeExQC

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Now glaringly obvious that Nuance is trying to phase out QC by making it impossible for us to meet the new required production numbers. Getting MLS's to upload directly has been tried elsewhere I've worked and it has never gone well, ended up with tons of client complaints about quality. MTSO's look at QC/QA as a superfluous expense and often try to save a few bucks by getting rid of us, looks even more now like that's what they're doing. Again, Nuance will get what it pays for.

definition of Nuance = shade-y! - counting the days-XQC

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It's gonna get ugly at Nuance; it's going to get real ugly. With the POC:QA/QC ratio about 5:1, it's only a matter of time before the former TLs will need to take over the QC jobs. The clients we worked so diligently to keep satisfied/afloat will start screaming, demand 100% QA on all reports, and all they'll have to fall back on will be our 'global' partners. A penny saved isn't always a penny earned.

Signs You Work For a BAD Company:
*You're not treated respectfully. CHECK.
*They don't take into consideration your ideas, even the good ones. CHECK.
*All other employees are miserable. CHECK.
*Your body tells you to quit. CHECK.
*They treat their customers badly too. CHECK.
*The company has a bad reputation. CHECK.
*The job duties are unclear; they can't define what success in the role will look like. CHECK.

We're better than this and so are our clients! Show yourself the respect you deserve and start job hunting, now. As the clients jump ship, work/hiring will start appearing elsewhere; mark my word. Good luck.

Maybe the chickens will soon come home to roost - with getting rid of QC. SM

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Maybe now if QC is gone, more errors and slop will go through to clients and they will see what garbage you get with ESR, and maybe, hoping so badly, that clients will finally wake up and see what a mistake ASR is and how valuable real MTs are.

It will happen at some point. Not as soon as we want, but eventually.

There will be a significant increase in customer - complaints. Will never be able to hire

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any QC or QA worth their salt based on this new pay grid plan. They believe offshore is their answer financially, but we have been QC'ing offshore work for years and if they really sat down and did the analysis and math, it is a waste. The majority of their reports are actually worse than the original ASR edit. As QC, I and many of my coworkers have always gone above and beyond to deliver the most accurate report possible. We dealt with TSMs, customers, etc to make sure we got it right (talk about "unpaid time"). Under this new plan, they have forced us basically to produce many, many lines of junk and nothing else. Blanks are going to increase because let's face it, are you going to spend 20 min researching that correct medication, verifying that allergy, dosing, etc. The answer is as a single parent with 3 kids to feed NO. My livlihood is at stake here. Mr. Ricci might consider tightening his belt just a bit because this grid they are so proud of has the potential to cripple them over time. Customers are not going to be happy and the cheap/quality balance will be so out of kilter, there is no incentive for these facilities to stay with Nuance. They will move on to a company who can deliver price and better quality.

I can take early retirement in 8 months so for me, I'll just be processing as many lines as possible focusing on the grid numbers only, nothing more. When I say focus on the grid numbers, I am talking quantity, not quality. This is upsetting for me as it goes against everything I know is right, but Nuance has given me no alternative.

So, Nuance, I say GAME ON!

Congrats to you! I will be out on the 22nd. Several - of my team members are finalizing plans

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also to get out of here over the next week. You may be able to attract and hire newbie MTs, but good luck trying to find QUALIFIED QC/QA. Bye Nuance.

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