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Re: So long Nuance. - burnedoutco

Posted: Aug 20, 2014

Re the post from the person who posted "So long Nuance." I could have written that post regarding time off without pay. When you get in your 60s (as I am) if you have an income you can get by on (my husband has a decent job and I am taking early SS), time with the people you love is the most precious thing you can have. In your 60s, you have probably already lost friends and relatives, and living life to the full becomes the most important thing in your life. At the same time, sometimes you would like a part-time job (even a minimum wage job), but having so few days a year for sick time, time off, etc., just does not cut it. I have worked while really sick just so as to not use up PTO which is hard and you are more liable to make mistakes. Again like her, I did not want an excessive amount of time off. I had almost 30 years of experience, I had excellent accuracy, I only got MUP twice (1 and 5 dollars) in a year and a half. I rarely called in sick and always made it up. When I worked in hospitals, we had to take turns to work holidays which is fair as opposed to if the holiday happens to fall on the day you work. Before I am jumped on that this is an unreasonable desire, this is just my point of view, I am not asking for anyone to agree with me. In many places where I worked, this was possible. Once I started a new job and I had a 2 week vacation planned a month into employment and they allowed me to go. At another MTSO though, I asked for less than a week off without pay to attend a family reunion, had not seen my brother and his family for 16 years, and was refused. It was suggested that I work early in the morning so I could spend the rest of the day with my family. My husband has a decent job. He gets sick time, a reasonable amount of PTO a year, 10 holidays, even snow days (although obviously this would not apply to work at home people). Are transcriptionists so beaten down, that we feel we don't deserve to be treated like human beings with feelings? I guess not. I am so looking forward to visiting with my only daughter whom I have not seen in years. She is coming for 5 days over the holiday weekend. This would not be possible if I was still working. Anyway, all the luck in the world to TexasGal. Enjoy your family.

I worked also in the "day" when - workers were

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were appreciated, vacation time, sick pay, etc. I now work for a MTSO that is "decent" but nevertheless underpaid. I have only 1-1/2 week to go, then PT. I can not wait!! I am so excited about the stress of push-push-push being eliminated from my daily existence. My friends and neighbors have already seen a huge improvement in by disposition, the tired look in my eyes and I am excited about life again.

With early SS, pension from previous job and working PT, less work, less stress and more $$....yippee!!!

There are so many of us older MTs that have been forced into working like this, one of my prayers is that each and every one of the MTs having to deal with the unfairness wake up one morning and have their dream of not having to deal with any MTSO, are able to provide for themselves in a way they are happy and can love life again.

Me too - Another part timer

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I took early retirement several months ago and have a pension from a previous job, and have continued to work part time at Nuance. I love it, and there's more money now than before I did this. Your last paragraph says it all for me.

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