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So long Nuance-Hello Menards - Living the Dream

Posted: Aug 18, 2014

I wanted to make sure the new job was going to work out before I told you all about it. After 43 years as a medical transcriptionist (will turn 65 next month), I did leave Nuance and started working at Menards as a cashier. For those who do not know (since Menards is only in 14 states so far), it is the third largest do-it-yourself store company, right behind Home Depot and Lowe's. Though there are advantages to the new job, for example, certainly I'll be making more money (though a very accurate MLS, I did tend to be on the slow side and occasionally had to have MUP added to my check); and, since I live alone, I think it's a good thing (for me) to be out among people again; and certainly not having the 'fridge 20 feet from my desk at home (along with more physical activity on the job) is going to translate into losing a pound or two; the truth is I'd still be at Nuance if not for their "no time off without pay" policy. Since I receive a pension from the hospital where I worked for over 25 years, and did take social security early when the bottom fell out of our industry, Nuance was not my only source of income. Though I certainly did not feel ready to "retire," my part-time hours supplemented my income just fine. I could put up with the poor pay, and with the bottom-of-the-barrel dictators left after my primary went to Epic, and with FIESA; but "no time off without pay" just was not compatible with other things that are important in my life. It's not like I wanted 3 months off to tour the West in an RV; I just wanted to be able to see the family and grandchildren who are 400 miles away more than once a year. In addition, I also would have been happy to take holidays without pay, but being expected to "spend" some of those few precious PTO hours that you receive as a part-timer in order to take a holiday (or else be expected to arrange your holiday in such a way that you are essentially "on call" until you verify that there is no work and you are now "free" to make other plans for the day -- which for me did not happen till 6 p.m. -- yet not get paid even 1 penny for providing that service to Nuance) was creating a resentment for my employer that I did not care to have. It really began to irk me that Nuance can offer their potential clients "24/7 coverage, including holidays," yet it is up to the MLS to fulfill this promise (for many without compensation, since there is so little work and so many MLS working, lest they have to spend their PTO hours!). I'm pretty sure that if Nuance offered even $5 an hour for folks to be "on call" on the holidays (if there is no work), they'd have plenty of takers, but then Nuance might actually have to spend some money to provide their clients holiday coverage. I did try to "reach out" to HR with my concerns about this policy, (a bit more professionally than I'm doing here) and never even received a response to my letter. So they've lost me. I have no idea if they "care" that they are losing veterans like me or not. I certainly indicated in my letter that my preference was to stay. I admit to some sadness about no longer being an MT. I loved it for over 40 years (not so much since 2009), but I do feel good inside that I "drew the line" with Nuance when it came to honoring my priorities. And my family feels pretty honored too. (My son said, "You mean you quit being a transcriptionist and started working at Menards just so you could visit us more?" "Yes." "Sweet!"). Indeed!

good for you - great

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I am also 40 years in this profession. Getting my deceased spouse's SS starting in July and now I am working myself into a position at the local bus 2 blocks from my hours (2000 people in my town), being a dispatcher and even a driver. Pays a lot more than I get now but not too much to interfer with getting my SS. I love it. No work, no pay, after all these years as an MT.

SM - sm

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I want to like this post because I'm happy for you, but at the same time it is disgusting what Nuance has done to this profession. So, congratulations to you for getting out of the business and especially getting out from under "The Entity" which is Nuance. Hoping for good things for you. It can only get better from here.

Menard's - TexasGal

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Congratulations! Hope everything comes up roses for you from now on!

Good for you! - phatty

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This is awesome!! I am going to hang up my typing shoes soon, too. I can hardly stand being taken off this account and put on another bad account every few months or so. This supervisor gone, that one gone. It is just strange, and to say that we are Health Documentation Specialists, and not make much more than minimum wage is just awful.

I wish you the best, and family is worth the sacrifice. May the Lord continue to bless you, and IF you play the lotto, hope you win the whole jackpot!!!

P.S. Wonder why after all these years, the dictation has not gotten any better??

I could have written this! - Right behind you!!!!

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For the reason you site plus the insult of minimum wage for professional level skill and service, plus the requirement to donate my time for numerous housekeeping and IT tasks (that are increasing in number and severity as their Editscript software falls further behind the IE updates as well as the havoc that the required installation of Editscript 11 on my computer is playing with Word and Editscript 9), I am out of here in the very near future, on to bigger and better things in my life. It will be a race between the problems with my computer and my hoped for last day (I may have to quit sooner if my computer cannot keep functioning with bug-ridden their software). I have worked here for more than 4 years, and I am ashamed and majorly frustrated to admit that I still struggle to avoid MUP and have no hope of doing any better!

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