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Those non-Nuance platforms re. meeting? - ss

Posted: Mar 20, 2015

I am surprised they didn't have the meeting muted on your side so they could just spin their side of everything and to $#$@ with the questions.  Your grid must evidently be different from the one we are on (Enterprise system) but I am sure if they take away something from one group, they will find a way to hit another group next. 

Didn't they try to reduce your rates once before, then backpedaled on it?  Not sure how many of you are impacted by this, but I have to wonder if that is why they are hiring so many new employees with huge sign on bonuses.  They anticipate some employee losses and make sure it happens by overhiring and reducing the amount of work available. 

Good luck to you and all of us.


Meeting - iwasthere

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They asked us to mute until it was time for questions. They spent about 15 minutes telling us how they were making it equitable for everyone across the board throughout Nuance. They took about shift diff during the week but kept weekend. The grid basically reduced salaries from someone saying $12,000 a year and another going from 11 to 12 a line down to 8.5. .... Basically about 3% decrease, if lucky....

Yes, in December they were cutting our lines from 12% to 15% Bayscribe/Futurenet. Then they backpedaled on that.

Basically, the new grid makes us work harder, more for trying to make what we currently make.

My opinion? They want to force us all to minimum wage of our state.

They did a song and dance around questions and basically telling folks to talk to their TSM about their concerns.

They cancelled the other meetings scheduled. I was going to get in on another call and bring the popcorn just so I could be entertained on how they were going to handle the next batch of upset MSLs. What a fiasco on so many levels.

Meeting - I was there too - Resigned

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I was on that first call as well. I hung up from it and typed up my resignation letter and submitted it. I could not believe how they tried to spin how we would not be losing money and that 300 LPH was a realistic goal. Then when it got too hot in the kitchen they ended the call. They must think we are a bunch of trained monkeys that will just continue to take this from them. The stress and time away from my family is not worth my little paycheck now.

Good for you! - anon22

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Oh how I envy you. I wish I could just quit like that. I have no family or other means of support, so I'm still here until I can find something else.

From reading the posts below and judging from the OOW posts we have had in the last few weeks, seems like they are transferring those OOW to some of our platforms. I feel bad for them and us. They know the best and brightest are leaving, not putting up with this treatment. If I thought I could do better with another MT company, I would jump now, but I want out of MT altogether and not minimum wage either. My time will come and so will theirs.
Nuance - anon
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You ALL can do better! Everyone one of you! I hate this company and the other one also and I cannot stand to read what they are doing to all of you. It makes my skin crawl to think I wasted even 6 months with them and that was too much. Best wishes to you all.

Perfection - Poorhouse

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Did you all hear when Brenda said "We don't expect perfection, there's still room there" when talking about the 99.5 accuracy? OMG...I about fell over. We all know how the very small, insignificant, non-patient-care-related errors can sink our scores very quickly to below 99.5 and yet they "don't expect perfection". Give me a break! I can't get over how the higher up say these sorts of things. Are they brainwashed? Do they REALLY believe what they are spewing? Do they REALLY think we are buying it?

leveling the playing field - None

[ In Reply To ..]
I don't know what team you're on, but I'm on the PowerScribe team and they cut our pay twice with this new patient safety plan. Most of us, except one that I can think of who must have extra limbs, have taken huge cuts. I'll be making less than half of what I made last year if the rest of the years goes as swimmingly as the first 2.5 months...

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