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How is PTO rate figured? - FloridaMT

Posted: Dec 26, 2012

I took 8 hours PTO yesterday and haven't a clue how much I made for the day.  Can anyone tell me the "formula" for figuring this?? Thanks

PTO - FloridaMT

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This is on Nuance. Think I posted to wrong board.

It is a formula and will change from quarter to quarter. - anon

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They apparently look at your last quarter and do an average to come to your hourly rate.

Mine has been around $9 an hour.

PTO - FloridaMT

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Well, that's just crazy. Nothing is set in stone, huh. How are you supposed to figure out your pay when you take leave when you don't know the "magic number" they are going to use? My ROM told me there were positives with this transition and one of them would be the PTO rate is higher. Not sure how she figures that but I know darn well what I was making before with Transcend per hour and doubt it will ever be that high with Nuance. Another crock, I guess!

PTO?? - marty

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My first week w/Nuance and I took Christmas eve off and still have no idea how much I am getting paid for it. I emailed region 4 days ago and still no answer. I havent been w/Nuance long enough to have a quarterly average figured, so anyone know how much are they paying per hour?
I think it is $10 hour. NM - anon
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PTO - marty
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okay thanks! I had seen where meetings/conference calls were 10/hour, but wasnt sure if that applied to PTO too - thanks

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