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I think I have it figured out! - Tired

Posted: Mar 21, 2015

Think I have finally figured it out. We got a call from Chase saying that someone had used our credit card and had tried to charge two items worth a couple of hundred dollars but they turned it down. I am certain they have software that figures out your buying patterns, where you go, and what you normally buy with their card as a way to cut down their losses. If that is the case and I am sure that it is, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this company must have software flagging the difficult dictators and/or the dictators you are likely to make an error on. In fact, they probably have the MT, plus difficult dictators, plus likelihood of errors on those dictators and reports done by the MT on those difficult dictators monitored by software. They, of course, have said nothing to anybody about this (which is why this observation is so steadfastly denied by TSMs and on up to a point -- because they don't know, so it's never crossed their minds). So that's why it seems like it is always the difficult, hard or otherwise nasty dictators you're likely making a mistake on constantly being the ones audited for mistakes. The software picks out the reports to be audited! I just wonder if the reason why sometimes you get a bunch audited or a few audited is because maybe that week you didn't do as many difficult dictators, so the monitoring software moved on to try to nail someone else, probably by throwing out more reports to audit on the ones likely to have an error in them than not. Just a theory, but if those credit-card companies can figure out where you use their card and flag the account if there is something irregular about the use of the card, then it follows that this company can use software to their advantage to increase the probability of lowering our pay. I don't think I am being paranoid here.

Auditerd - Slow down... - Take yer meds

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No, you're not paranoid at all...SMDH

Conspiracy theory if I've ever heard one. - sm

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You say you're not paranoid? You sound extremely paranoid.

From Merriam-Webster online:

of, relating to, or suffering from a mental illness that causes you to falsely believe that people are trying to harm you

Nope -- No conspiracy theory at all. - Tired

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Sorry, I do not think that N. is "falsely" trying to harm me or anyone else. I do believe they are deliberately trying to harm all of the MTs employed there financially. I think the posts on this board would point to that. With this economy, saying "go get another job" is pointless. If we could go get another job, we would. So what exactly was the point of your post?

When I worked for MM - Val

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I noticed a decimal number on the first screen that I think correlated with dictator difficulty. Everything on the computer can be known and recorded. Even as I look at MT Stars the ads come up with some reference to the post I am reading. My guess is that something can always be found in crap dictator's transcriptions and these companies would love to have you type for free, which in essence you are already doing.

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