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Has anyone figured out how to use a - sillymt

Posted: Nov 09, 2014

footpedal in bed?  I broke my other ankle and thinking it would be more comfortable, but can't seem to figure out how to make it work.  Any ideas?

If you figure out how to work in bed, let me know!! Dead serious. - Only thing I can think of is...

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learning shortcut keys to replace the foot pedal, but have no clue how to go about doing that.

Try a recliner with a flat pillow on your lap. - Need that footrest flap, too

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The foot pedal won't fall to the floor if you position it in that flap that some of those chairs have at the foot rest. It's like a piece of material. I don't know what purpose it serves, but I'll bet a foot pedal will work in it. If you have a chair already that doesn't have the flap, you could make one with Velcro and material or glue. Hope this helps. I know an MT who does this regularly and she has no disability. I think it's probably good for your circulation, too.

Re: Foot pedal in bed. Some ideas. sm - buzz

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1. Place a number of pillows at the head of the bed for propping up on. Get yourself comfortable.
2. If not using a laptop, get a thin board or seat cushions to put the keyboard on so that you can type while propped up in bed.
3. If you find it too hard to press the foot pedal down while propped up in bed, remove the springs on the center, forward and back pedals with a pliers and replace the springs on all 3 with looser springs, which make the pedal much easier to operate in that position. I do this by replacing the springs on the pedal with the springs (coils) found on note book binders, cutting the coils a little longer from the notebook with a small wire cutter and then using my fingers while lifting the center, back and forward pedals one at a time, I place the 3 homemade springs on one at a time into position over the nubs that held the original springs, and then let the lifted center, back or forward pedal down one at a time onto the new homemade springs. Have done this for ages.

Using a lap top - and a lap desk

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(check them out on line), I occasionally worked in bed because my rear end would get so sore sitting in a chair for so long. Not the best system, but was ok by hanging my pedal foot over the bed and stretching out my bed leg. I also had a sectional L-shaped sofa to stretch out one leg on which worked a little better... at least better back support. Now though I have a better chair. Heal soon!

because sturdy-enough cardboard boxes probably don't exist ... - raven

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I think you'll probably need to sacrifice something purchased, to cut or drill holes into to hold the foot pedal vertical -- possibly just with twine though flat seam binding or tape -- even torn cloth strips -- better, less thick run under the top plate and tied snugly inside. Velcro's a thought but expensive (relatively) and then there's the possible adhesive residue.

An inverted dish basin might be tall enough and have enough sturdiness to not "cave" when the footpedal was touched. I generally use only the tip of my big toe (barefoot 24/7/354) on the edge of lowest corner of the pedal ... so this would be a difficult adjustment for me or I'd have to use a bigger backing (a storage box) to mount it higher. Since most foot pedals have such a light touch, I think it could work and can think of no alternative. Added benefit is that it would keep the weight of the covers off of your "operating" foot.

Good luck! Sounds miserable. Mend quickly!!

New thought might be to place the foot pedal in a large sock to position and secure (safety pins??) to large firm pillow ... softer (would not work for me) but might be an alternative.

to broken ankle - OBXconsumer

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You are going to have to raise your desk (maybe put blocks on it) high enough so that you can put your leg up (elevate) your leg under the desk while you use the other foot for the foot pedal and hope you have a pull out tray to put the keyboard on or buy one and attach it. You could use a wheelchair with one side that elevates. You will have to do some stretching to get to a comfortable position.

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