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Ending week with 100% post audit score, sm - Notahappycamper

Posted: Feb 06, 2015

AGAIN, ending week on 100%, let's see what they get me on.

same here - fingers crossed

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I've only had 87 lines (2 jobs) audited this week and have 98.85%. - wannie

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My guess is I won't have anything else audited. That's a huge contrast to the 421 lines (8 jobs) audited last week (I only work 25 hours a week). I had 7% of lines audited last week. Right now I'm at a little less than 1.5% audited.

FU from original post, yes they tried, sm - Notahappycamper

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to get me. However, they post audited a job I sent to QA and QA/client filled in the blank. Post audit changed the client's own words, ha! Unbelievable, so sick of this. By the way, have been noticing they audit either the first two jobs of the day or the last two jobs of the day on Friday transcription. Really like my accounts and TSM, just don't know if I can hang around too much longer under these conditions. Sad.

F N more like it. LOL And isnt this funny.... - During one of those quality

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courses I was forced to take, the instructor said, "Be extra careful on the first couple and last couple of reports you do in a day, it has been shown that those are the reports we make the most mistakes in" Hmmmmm maybe THAT is why you have been noticing that! What scumbags these people are.

So much for random. -nm - dz

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I lost the reversal request! - Notahappycamper

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Send a request to TSM, see if s/he can help. sm - Unbelievable is right!

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I had something similar--blank filled in incorrectly by QC but *I* was dinged for that major error post audit. Reversal denied because report already went to client(huh?!?) Asked TSM if anything else could be done as quality score/pay was affected. She got it reversed. But, my TSM is one of the best ones here; I know many of you are not that lucky. It's worth a try anyway. Good luck.
I did, TSM said no, sm - Notahappycamper
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What kills me is I left a blank, QA left a blank, client sent in back filled in with the word "a" and then post-audit put in another word! Talk about ESP, these post-audit people in India know MORE than the dictator himself about what he was thinking. Just unbelievably said they would work this hard to not pay us!! Thanks for the advice and I am glad you have a great TSM.
Wow. Sorry that happened to you. - Unbelievable is right! sm
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That is so...wow. smh.

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