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Doomsday - i.e., last day of the week when QA nails you to get your score under 99% - eb

Posted: Jan 09, 2015

I worked my you-know-what off all week to try to get into a higher tier this week.  Was doing great, two reviews both 100%.  Then Qwhatever nailed me this morning with a post audit.  ONE WORD (that doesn't change the report AT ALL!) is going to cost me $241! 

I honestly believe they are doing this on purpose - keep us going all week so we will work harder to stay in the higher tiers, then at the last minute snatch it away from us when it's too late to do anything different. 

Nuance acts like the bonus is just extra shopping money for us.  "If I don't get that bonus, I guess I won't be able to get those Gucci shoes I had my eye on!"  It's not!  This is my grocery money they are messing with!  This is my heating bill!  This is gas money to take my kids to school! 

This is so demoralizing.  Without the bonus, I'm basically making minimum wage now at a job that I've done for 20-plus years and used to love and be successful at. 

Post audit Fridays - mom22

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Seems to be the case, doesn't it? Friday seems extra busy in the QC department. And I am right there with you. 20+ years, loyalty, dedication, and I'm at minimum wage....mostly. I actually have gone below due to holidays (see below regarding MUP). $241 is a HUGE amount!!!

I feel worthless and stupid every time I see FIESA. I used to look forward to Fridays. Now I know it's like facing the guillotine.

Whoever invented this scheme deserves to be strung up by their most - valuable body part.

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THAT is totally criminal!

Yep, same thing for me 2 weeks in a row. I tried SOOOO hard - wannie

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to have a positive outlook about this new pay plan. I will admit when I'm wrong and boy was I wrong about this one. If I had somewhere else to go, I'd go today, not 2 weeks from now, but TODAY!

I'd like to know how this can be even remotely - legal! Give Labor Board a call?

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