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Posted: Nov 27, 2013

Hey ladies (and guys):

Just wondering if anyone else is having trouble getting and maintaining the high audit scores (99.5 to 99.6%). 

I noticed some companies only require about 98% or so. 

I can swing that but CONSISTENTLY getting 99% and above is TRICKY (unless you have perfect dictators)!





98% is the industry standard. I don't know what - sm

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these people are thinking. One typo & you're subject to performance management. Are the Indians held to this same standard, because if not that would be discrimination.

My email last week said I had an average of 100% - no clue how that happened.

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Honestly I think it's luck of the draw. If they pull easy reports you are good. If they pull something you struggled with you are most likely frustrated and will mess up and have a critical error.

Micromanaging tyrants - John Doe

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The micromanaging is insulting. They had started it during my time with them. The 99% score, and to make matters worse, it wasn't an average on 5 audited report, it had to be ALL reports audited. Were a high school student, and I got 4/5 on a test, and the teacher said that he would fail me anyway, then I would have reminded him/her that many teachers had gotten shot in recent years.

I broke my leg earlier in the year, and because their corporate office was TOO CHEAP to offer any sick leave, and put a cap on the PTO we could accrue, I had to go back to work before I was medically recommended to do so. All requests for reasonable accommodations were flatly refused.

I even went so far and told them I that I knew micromanagement when I see it, and if they were "culling the herd," then I wasn't going to stand for it.

You could imagine how that turned out.

We should be occupying them instead of Wall Street.

so far yes - Old School

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But I imagine there's going to come a day that I don't meet it. No one's perfect. What's the expression, "Only God can bat .500?" So whenever that happens I'll just have to see what they do about it.

audit score of 99.5 - fancy

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I was consistently getting 99 to 100% audits. Then, all of a sudden I started getting docked on errors that really have no impact on the reliability of the document. I believe that something is going on that we know nothing about, i.e., they are going to start cutting QA people (which someone else reported) or there is some kind of a bonus for supervisors who are able to keep the audits above 99.6, whether it be a bonus check or more PTO. There is definitely something going on. It is called nit picking and we are targets.

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