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Questions for QA/post audit people - just curious :)

Posted: Jan 14, 2015

I have noticed that sometimes my post audits in FIESA will have a blank added in there by QA for something that they feel is "unclear."  They will take out whatever I have typed and blank it. I have not received error points for any of these things (so far).  I guess it's just something that they couldn't make out as well as I could? I have exclusives, and I know them well, but they are good dictators and not hard to understand at all.

For example, one sentence (which my doc dictates ALL... THE... TIME) is 'There is no Popeye deformity distally in the arm.'  In one post audit 'Popeye deformity' was blanked by QA with a comment 'unclear.' Not sure why they couldn't make it out because he's actually a very good dictator. I'm not sure how to tell if the reviewer is offshore, but if I had to guess judging by their name I would say most likely yes. If English is not their first language, then I would understand how maybe certain things might be a little unclear for them.

In any case, I haven't gotten any error points or anything for these instances, but it made me curious. My first question is... are the QA people who do the post audits QA'd as well? I was thinking that maybe this person couldn't quite make out what my doc was saying for whatever reason, so they had to cover their own butt and just blanked it.

Of course with direct send privileges my reports immediately go to the client, which brings me to my second question... when they blank something like that after the original report has already been sent to the client, does it get resent back to the client with that blank? If so, my exclusive docs are going to think I've lost my marbles, especially since these blanks that QA is putting in their reports are for things I have heard them say 1,897,343,102 times, lol.

Thanks for any responses. :)

QA blanks - Chavera

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I have gotten irked by this myself. The thing is perfectly clear to me and then it gets blanked! I pride myself on making my reports as blank-free as possible and then this occurs! Although I have to say lately I am leaving more blanks with the new pay plan.

Yep - since my account allows 3 blanks, I use them - ALL if I am even slightly

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unsure, especially when it is something that could potentially be a CPSE like a lab value that I can't decide if it's 203 or 303, which can sound exactly alike with some dictators. I sometimes even use the blanks when I'm pretty sure I won't be able to look it up fast enough...when before I would take more time researching if necessary. I don't like doing that one bit but I also being able to pay my electric and eat.

I mean, I also LIKE being able to pay my.... - Oops

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I had exactly the same question that you pose today... - blanking my exclusive.

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I feel EXACTLY the same as you and just noticed this happening this week. I thought the same thing, that QA is being hit hard with QA and are pressured to blank these things. We know our docs and even if they slur something a little, it is something they have said a million times, and, yes, I am afraid my docs will think I am going looney.

Yes, QA does QA each other - anon

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QA does QA MLS', QCs, and their fellow QAs.

You can tell they are offshore sometimes because their name/id will have an BTR_HBE or an NMR in it.

I've had that happen too but your case is - entirely ridiculous

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since there is a definite Popeye deformity, all they had to do was google instead of making you appear dim!

To answer your other question, no the changes made - on the audit, i.e. blanking it

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do not go back to the customer. The originally delivered report is what the customer retains. Blanks inserted by QA after the fact for audit purposes do not go to the customer.

If they don't go back to the customer as a correction, why - does Nuance pay these people?

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Just to torture us?

I guess it costs less to audit us in hopes of decreasing our pay to 8cpl :( - nm

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Exactly! I can only imagine how many MLS get knocked down below 99% every week, and... - sm
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.. especially if you have the platform factor reduction crap, you WILL end up making less than you would have before this pay plan. They are saving money, I'm sure. I just started getting audited last week. I had 100% my first week and had a TON of reports audited. I have exclusives though (2 docs), and I work part-time. All week I got audited right up until Friday night. All week I was like... "HA-HA-HA CAN'T GET ME SUCKAS!!!" I made sweet money last week. Best week so far. Before that it was OK, but you get an automatic 99.0% if you don't have any audits, so it limits your potential quite a bit. This week though... they got me. :( Nailed me on Tuesday... one 17-line report... 98.66%. Guess what... not one report audited since.

I think that's the craziest part about this pay plan. We can't PLAN for anything. How can you live within your means if you don't know what your means are going to be? If one week I make X amount of dollars and the next week for the same work, same hours, same doctors for crying out loud, I make over $100 less... how the heck can you know what's what with your finances? You can't. Yep... those QA audits are WELL WORTH their money.

Good, I'm happy to hear that. TY - OP (nm)

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