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I have noticed that sometimes my post audits in FIESA will have a blank added in there by QA for something that they feel is "unclear." They will take out whatever I have typed and blank it. I have not received error points for any of these things (so far). I guess it's just something that they couldn't make out as well as I could? I have exclusives, and I know them well, but they are good dictators and not hard to understand at all.
For example, one sentence (which my doc dictates ALL... THE... TIME) is 'There is no Popeye deformity distally in the arm.' In one post audit 'Popeye deformity' was blanked by QA with a comment 'unclear.' Not sure why they couldn't make it out because he's actually a very good dictator. I'm not sure how to tell if the reviewer is offshore, but if I had to guess judging by their name I would say most likely yes. If English is not their first language, then I would understand how maybe certain things might be a little unclear for them.
In any case, I haven't gotten any error points or anything for these instances, but it made me curious. My first question is... are the QA people who do the post audits QA'd as well? I was thinking that maybe this person couldn't quite make out what my doc was saying for whatever reason, so they had to cover their own butt and just blanked it.
Of course with direct send privileges my reports immediately go to the client, which brings me to my second question... when they blank something like that after the original report has already been sent to the client, does it get resent back to the client with that blank? If so, my exclusive docs are going to think I've lost my marbles, especially since these blanks that QA is putting in their reports are for things I have heard them say 1,897,343,102 times, lol.
Thanks for any responses. :)