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Compensation for research, proofing, and demos? - mraker

Posted: Dec 11, 2012

So I guess that was just legal boilerplate for CYA, since there were no pay changes for EditScript.  Like what we're paid per line automatically includes enough "extra" to cover for these duties, supposedly. 

"Base Pay Program Philosophy

.... Compensates for all time spent typing and editing reports; to include researching, proofing, and demographics"

(I always screenshot these conferences/presentations, since we never get any written/e-mail followup that includes all the same info.)

So, no new information - ?

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Compensation - Bobo

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I can't remember if acute-care got 8.5 cents a line before. Now it's 8.46?

My acute care is only 8 cents flat. - what the heck.

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I hate this company!
Mine was 8.5, guess not anymore. Also they made QA bonus harder to attain? - anon
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Is it now 99.5% and less than 10% to QA?
Is it still quarterly?

Guess I will never see it again.
bonus - buffy
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Hell I never make it to bonus so dont know what I am missing actually. Never had one.
That's an additional bonus starting at 99.5%. Nothing to kvetch about there... - mraker
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except that it starts at such a high QA rate, meaning even more fights for some (me included) with QA over Fiesa.

The less than 10% QA is a change from the previous 15%, which I never had a problem with, but I'll probably be submitting more to QC in order to try to stay above 99.5%, if I stay here (but trying to move on).
thanks for the clarification. Waiting for email so I can listen to it myself. NM - anon
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What platform are you on? Is it going to change to new rates? - nm
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platform - buffy
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Thought you said you were at 8.25 & 4.13 base, not 8 flat? - for EditScript
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no message

EditScript - nm
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From a buyout or originally with Nuance? - sm
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If from a buyout, then you just got a raise. If Nuance, then I don't understand why you wouldn't have had the same rate as everyone else.
I was hired by Nuance - a little more than a year ago
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Am I seriously getting less than everyone else?

I am pissed!
Are you Clinic or Acute Care? Clinic has always been 8/4. - nm
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I do both - nm
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Mine is same as always on EditScript. - 8.25/9.25, 4.13/4.63 day/night.

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mine is same - buffy
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Mine is same as yours.
Compensation - Bobo
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I can't remember where we look to find out what our pay rate is. Help!
It's on your paystubs - RC (nm)
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Compensation - Bobo
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Oh wow, then mine is going down. My stub says 0.0875. Thought this was too good to be true.
I'm sorry (nm) - RC
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Are you day or night shift? What company originally? - nm
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Compensation - Bobo
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I'm day shift but rather not say company. Sorry. Maybe it has something to do with how long you've been with the company.

So basically little or no change? Is bonus still quarterly? NM - anon

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Regular bonus still quarterly, but no more than 10% QC submissions - instead of 15%. sm

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And there's an additional Quality Bonus which is somewhat similar to the old Better Me, Better We bonus, except much higher QA score needed, at least at 99.5%.

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